September 3rd, 2020, 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by
Some people's parents on here lived thru the Great Depression Sharon...being homeless and only soup kitchens for a meal were common out west.
Big change since then eh...now when people loose their jobs and face some hardships, the Government sends them $2k a month.
Some people didn’t have any hardships at all and got the $2K/month just because !
“You have enemies ? Good. It means you have stood up for something, sometime in your life”: Winston Churchill
September 3rd, 2020 09:33 PM
September 3rd, 2020, 09:50 PM
My Grandfather poached after the war to feed his family. They had a couple of cows , chickens, he poached deer and poached Lobster. My mom was teased as only the poor kids ate lobster. Mom use to take her 22 to school to hunt at lunch time and after school.
Now you just hold your hand out.
Originally Posted by
Some people didn’t have any hardships at all and got the $2K/month just because !
September 4th, 2020, 06:55 AM
Has too much time on their hands
In the community lots of discussion exist over the 60 day golden window timeframe. What is the 60 days scenario - as for the timeline, the major part of looting, rioting, starvation and medical issues will be done and some form of normal will occur. Those that gathered in groups will be have a stronger position to survive.
For the Bug Out "to woods" isolation group, that survival assures continuity, however, unless you have stashed preps - what now. If you left your place undefended - will it still be there.
For the Bug In "In Place" group there is a well defined MAG and defense plan to protect the resources.
Both come with challenges and risks.
Again - Keep in mind a 1% of 1% change of occurrence. Try to keep things real and achievable.
Mark Snow, Leader Of The, Ontario Libertarian Party
September 4th, 2020, 07:09 AM
Has too much time on their hands
Totally agree with your assessment of CP. However, he does delve into great scenarios which help your mind think differently. He also digs up a lot of facts, then summarizes accordingly. The 100 Common over the counter drug effectiveness over 10 yrs (DHS sponsored), which tested 100 type of Antibiotics, Tylenol, ect was a good video for understanding how long med preps last. I said Prepper Nurse before (it is Patriotic Nurse) is the name, she has great medical info.
Originally Posted by
line052-thank you for the DHS prediction,never seen one , it seems quite plausible what they list as outcome of a major event.
I do not have anything against preppers guys,just i do not see prepping helping me.So i hope never nothing nasty will happen.I have stuff for a month for off grid living,but that is not what i see makes a prepper a prepper.
Do not live close to defendable and remote enough place,do not own a remote place either,and i recon by the time i would make it somewhere reasonable ,it would be a NO GO,or the place would be full of others.This is the time i wish i live in Alaska,Yukon or such.........Guelph does not cut it,and while we are not Toronto,i can see around me 1.5 million like minded people trying to do something i am about to do,at the same time. Central-South Western Ontario is too small for 1.5 million people living rural lifestyle.
Then there is a MOB,i think anyone having anything reasonable to be attacked for ,will be attacked and killed for their possession within a month.Regardless where they will be at(unless Alaska,Yukon,etc).
Anyhow,i watched few preppers on Youtube(spendin time there as much as here-so my wife says)and while You guys recommend Canadian Prepper,he is likely the least respected by me(right or wrong).
I saw few of his videos,maybe i agreed with some of his ideas,but when he said to dress to survive in minus 40 or so only with a high tech(and pricey)underlayer AND a large (even pricier BRAND BRAND BRAND)huge gooose down over coat,i lost all my interest to watch him.No layering ,just 2 pieces of clothing..... .I sure hope people will not die due of his advice ...............
Thanx for the ideas.keep them coming.
Mark Snow, Leader Of The, Ontario Libertarian Party
September 4th, 2020, 08:49 AM
you wouldn't survive on your own you would be over run by the mobs you would have to create your own gang of like minded people to survive
September 4th, 2020, 02:26 PM
Has too much time on their hands
Pretty much any scenario in a Revelations 6 discussion and our current culture and society is screwed.
As for gardens... in my big back yard when I expanded the garden some ... my wife bought 3 rolls of sod....
As for prep ... I bought some dry goods like oatmeal and canned goods.... and my wife still complains if we haven't finished the pasta sauce and I buy a new one...
There are a huge number of people that live even more what you can call credit card to hand to mouth out there that don't have a couple days food little alone the recommended emergency amounts.... before the people that shop once a week are in need there will be a huge percentage that will have been without food for days.... and without cash too. We definitely can't count on the wisdom of the gov't, ESPECIALLY the one we have now, just look at how the Wuhan Pneumonia turned out so far.
Solar flares... that could shut us down for weeks or years and are much more common...
.... fortunately the earth is a small target and flares like the Carrington event have so far missed us, I BELIEVE there were 2 or 3 of that size in the last cycle (11 years) but all went merrily off in other directions.
Asteroids, solar flares, epidemics, mini ice ages, war, terrorism .... and an almost totally unprepared population .... what could go wrong .... well looking back at history... perhaps... something like when the Europeans arrived in North America would be comparable. It is estimated as many as 50,000,000 or more died, often just because no one was able to care for the sick so the entire populations of towns and cities died out. I recall that some of the early Spanish maps of the US south had over 60 large towns .... a century later it was 6 to 12 medium towns * If I remember right and the coverage was correct. Then throw in the wars started to get more furs for trading (destruction of Neutral,Huron, Petun and Erie Nations for example essentially in Ontario alone) and the population was 90% dead... as a comparison the Black Death was estimated at 40 to 50%.
How often are there big CME.
Last edited by mosquito; September 4th, 2020 at 02:43 PM.
Reason: How often Carrington added.
September 7th, 2020, 05:47 PM
Anyone within 200kms of a major city would be doomed.