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Thread: Will you Bite -- Trump is the best thing in 50 yrs

  1. #61
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by Snowwalker View Post
    Yes he is counting from the start of the war, counting from the end of the war would be 85. But 85 is from the end of the world war, not isolated civil wars. They were going on through out the 30"s
    Unless I missed what he said, he is counting to 1939, from 2019, and says 80 years, If you read the history of the time, with the grabs for power, ANTIFA (SA), propaganda, McKenna quoting Goebbels, our dictator loving PM ... on this path I would say about 1933 to 1935 ... hence 85 years. By 1939,1940 the National Socialist party was in control, Krystalnacht and night of the long knives were history etc.

  2. # ADS

  3. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by mosquito View Post
    Unless I missed what he said, he is counting to 1939, from 2019, and says 80 years, If you read the history of the time, with the grabs for power, ANTIFA (SA), propaganda, McKenna quoting Goebbels, our dictator loving PM ... on this path I would say about 1933 to 1935 ... hence 85 years. By 1939,1940 the National Socialist party was in control, Krystalnacht and night of the long knives were history etc.
    Sorry I was not clear....I rewrote it but here is what I was saying..

    Yes he is counting from the start of the war, counting from the end of the war would be 75. But in 80 years from the end of the second world war, not any isolated civil/regional wars we should be in the same hell hole as 1939. 75 years puts us at the same point that was going on through out the 30"s the destruction of Governments and the rise to power of tyrants.
    Take the warning labels off. Darwin will solve the problem.

  4. #63
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by Snowwalker View Post
    75 years puts us at the same point that was going on through out the 30"s the destruction of Governments and the rise to power of tyrants.
    For the 30's you mean 85 years right.... anyway, with the debt, rise in intolerance, decrease in respect, immigration of the worst instead of the best, early release of prisoners, protections for companies that use bribes and exploit prostitutes (SNC), "speech police" and censorship, etc. etc. .... I think we can agree we are going in the wrong direction for the rosy future..... away from the Star trek and it seems more like gov't policies are modelled after the book 1984.

    Just look at the US, some of the stuff that Bernie and the Democrats openly say and Trudeau/CBC/Liberal Party spin feels so much like repeats of history with an US vs THEM with the politicians at the top unquestionable.

    It even peculates down to the law enforcement, look how some of the media is treated covering some events and even the other day when I got the ticket for going through the stop sign while riding my bicycle I put on the brakes, put my foot down, no cars in sight and then went, the OPP said the "vehicle didn't stop" (my bicycle) and when I argued his response was well if that's your attitude it isn't a warning it is a ticket (Saturday morning ride turns into $110 ticket) ... don't question my power guys like him have been around for a long time though, I heard a few complained about by the OPP in charge of the local detachment where I grew up. He up called them goose steppers and made sure to transfer them as soon as possible but they seem to be growing .... or the local detachments are shipping them all to the GTA.
    Last edited by mosquito; August 21st, 2020 at 06:45 PM.

  5. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by mosquito View Post
    For the 30's you mean 85 years right.... anyway, with the debt, rise in intolerance, decrease in respect, immigration of the worst instead of the best, early release of prisoners, protections for companies that use bribes and exploit prostitutes (SNC), "speech police" and censorship, etc. etc. .... I think we can agree we are going in the wrong direction for the rosy future..... away from the Star trek and it seems more like gov't policies are modelled after the book 1984.
    No I mean that 75 years since the end of the Second World war has placed us in the same social and Political conditions as the 1930's. In the next five years( one Political cycle) we will be so far down the path to destruction of society or taking major steps to save it. I am afraid that both option will mean a war.
    Take the warning labels off. Darwin will solve the problem.

  6. #65
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by Snowwalker View Post
    No I mean that 75 years since the end of the Second World war has placed us in the same social and Political conditions as the 1930's. In the next five years( one Political cycle) we will be so far down the path to destruction of society or taking major steps to save it. I am afraid that both option will mean a war.
    We have China building islands all over the south China sea and then declaring their rights to the water around them and building carriers and new jets, Russia and Iran as buddies ... just look a Iran's new toy announced this week

    Europe and it's transition to what some have nick named Eurabia and some have mentioned civil wars in Europe, Hamas and Hezbollah and their usual genocidal rants and lies, Wexit, left calls for rebellion and violence in the US, on and on.... it is just a matter of the types of wars coming, ... it also depends on the leaders we have in power, will we have a Churchill or a Chamberlain.... ie will we have a leader that will stand up for Canada or should we learn Mandarin or Arabic or ? The times are a bit too interesting and keep on getting worse. As matter of fact I see that some of the rabid dogs are firing rockets into Israel again today....
    Last edited by mosquito; August 22nd, 2020 at 12:08 PM.

  7. #66
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    Mosquito...the problem is the politics for dealing with the rabid dogs has been to throw a few hand full's of milk bones and hope they go away.

    Your are forbidden from shooting them on sight.
    Take the warning labels off. Darwin will solve the problem.

  8. #67
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by Snowwalker View Post
    Mosquito...the problem is the politics for dealing with the rabid dogs has been to throw a few hand full's of milk bones and hope they go away.

    Your are forbidden from shooting them on sight.
    Yep ... alot more should read and watch "Son of Hamas"

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