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Thread: Gear available -- who has a wish list?

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    Default Gear available -- who has a wish list?

    Hello all,

    As you may recall from my earlier post, my dad passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. He was an active forum member and many of you have commented on how knowledgeable he was.

    With that knowledge came a lot of experience with a lot of gear. Anything I won't be using deserves to make new memories in a new home. I am going through things seasonally. Motorcycle, bicycle, water skis, fishing gear, etc are all items I'm looking at now. If I won't be using it, someone should get to enjoy it this 2020. Dad fished, boated, hunted, hiked, camped, cooked. He read up on it, researched it, perfected it. You name it, he did it. (Gotta say, I had an amazing childhood!)

    I do plan to post things in the for sale section here. However, anyone who has a wish list, an item you've been wanting or meaning to track down, please feel free to PM me. If I have it and it will be available, I'll be sure to contact you first. I'll check my PMs once a week and will reply to anyone who messages to let you know I saw your note. There is a wide variety of items for many, many hobbies and I'm sure these items belong with people who share dad's passions.

    Thanks and have a good summer.
    Last edited by BurlyGirl; July 29th, 2020 at 08:25 PM.
    HRCH UHCH Wyckoff's RedRooted Mud Puppy SH WCX CD RN - Reba
    HR Markwell's Ups A Daisy JH WCX CD RN - Jada
    HR UH Tullamore's Gunsablazing CGN CDX SH WCX - Burly (2003-2017)

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