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Thread: The Pigs are At The Trough Again!

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default The Pigs are At The Trough Again!

    Do you get the bulletins from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation?
    If not, here's part of their latest:

    The unelected, unaccountable, unequal Senate is at it again and we
    need your help to demand accountability.

    Even with their long history
    of ripping off taxpayers, it seems that Senators still can’t seem to
    help themselves.

    This time, they quietly gave a $10,000 raise
    to Senator Yuen Pau Woo who chairs a special committee that’s only met
    twice this year (including once for just nine minutes). Senator
    Carolyn Stewart Olsen is getting a $5,200 raise as vice chair. And
    senators already make $157,600.

    The CBC reports that these ridiculous committee bumps were abolished
    in 2013 in the wake of Senator Mike Duffy’s expense scandal when
    opposition members of Parliament and “Canadian Taxpayers Federation
    were expressing outrage over the additional compensation.”

    Now these senators are back at the taxpayer trough.

    Please take a minute to phone Senator Yuen Pau Woo and Senator Carolyn
    Stewart Olsen and tell them taking this raise is wrong. Let’s make
    sure they can’t pick up the phone without getting an earful from an
    angry taxpayer. Here are their numbers:
    * Senator Yuen Pau Woo – 613-995-9244
    * Senator Carolyn Stewart Olsen – 613-992-0121

    The Canadian Taxpayers Federation made senators give up this money
    before. We can do it again.

    Thanks for everything you do,

    [Message clipped] View entire message

    Last edited by jaycee; June 9th, 2020 at 11:25 PM.

  2. # ADS

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