June 4th, 2020, 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by
The caste systems still exists today in many European countries. MY immigrant family name is Malick, and my parents grandparents were from Syria, came to Canada in 1903. At that time and today Malick family name is still associated with lower caste in Syria. Ironically, I assumed all my life until 2000 I was of NFLD blood. Turns out when I was Syria (UN, 1 year tour), I befriended a man in local shop who insisted I was of Arab descent, and I said now way - When speaking with my mom, she told the facts and gave me the family last name. The local Syrian, was able to trace my family name back and members of that family linage still exist today. I was brought to Aleppo to meet some them. We all are children of immigrants somehow.
Hi line 052-Not challenging or else,but i came from Europe,and never heard,seen or experience in any corner of Europe a caste system of any kind.
Nationalism -all kind,You take a pick........racism-could be very little or a lot(depends how we define racism).
There is only one group of people in Europe,who could be generally subjected to racism ,based on race(as racism as term is implied in NA) are the Gypsies(or Romani People).Hope this clarifies some things about the Old Continent.Cheers
Last edited by gbk; June 4th, 2020 at 05:04 PM.
June 4th, 2020 04:57 PM
June 4th, 2020, 05:20 PM
Has too much time on their hands
Originally Posted by
We are all immigrants and we should all be treated equally!
In Canada I believe we are open to immigration as long as our lives do not change & society stays static and the new Canadians adhere to our cultural norms and standards and do not seek any special treatment based on their cultural or religious beliefs. I am not saying this is right, wrong or indifferent but when I talk to people about racism in Canada they usually, in some varying degree, reiterate this point. There is deep racism in China, Russia, and middle east - people do not want to talk about that.
Maybe Russia and China and Middle east countries are proud of their heritage culture and refuse to allow their way of life be changed by foreigners demands
June 4th, 2020, 08:36 PM
I think the way that the Charter has been interpreted actually contributes to racism.
Freedom of religion has been interpreted to mean that religious ACCOMMODATION is a requirement, and I don’t agree with it.
“You have enemies ? Good. It means you have stood up for something, sometime in your life”: Winston Churchill
June 4th, 2020, 08:58 PM
Any time one segment of a society receives special rights over another segment of that same society,it fuels jealousy,hatred and R-A-C-I-S-M.
June 4th, 2020, 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by
I think the way that the Charter has been interpreted actually contributes to racism.
Freedom of religion has been interpreted to mean that religious ACCOMMODATION is a requirement, and I don’t agree with it.
Just ask John Tory about that concept and his faith based schools as well as the majority of the voting public. You have a lot of company.
June 5th, 2020, 05:49 AM
It still exists within the Indian community in Canada too, particularly the trucking industry. Indian company owners feel perfectly comfortable taking advantage of “lower caste” drivers in ways they’d never consider with anybody else.
Originally Posted by
The caste systems still exists today in many European countries. MY immigrant family name is Malick, and my parents grandparents were from Syria, came to Canada in 1903. At that time and today Malick family name is still associated with lower caste in Syria. Ironically, I assumed all my life until 2000 I was of NFLD blood. Turns out when I was Syria (UN, 1 year tour), I befriended a man in local shop who insisted I was of Arab descent, and I said now way - When speaking with my mom, she told the facts and gave me the family last name. The local Syrian, was able to trace my family name back and members of that family linage still exist today. I was brought to Aleppo to meet some them. We all are children of immigrants somehow.
June 5th, 2020, 06:27 AM
Originally Posted by
Any time one segment of a society receives special rights over another segment of that same society,it fuels jealousy,hatred and R-A-C-I-S-M.
X2 I agree