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Thread: We need our Outdoors life back

  1. #21
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Longpointer-Thank You for the reply,You are 100% right.Appreciate the point You made.

    Lets change the topic(without hijacking the thread)-how are You in "retirement isolation" for 3 years.
    My wife was once ill,and was away for 2 months.Our daughter out from the house by then.....Me alone.At the beginning it was a nightmare for me,but slowly got used to it.Actually when she came home,i was like-wow,that is different.Thanx

  2. # ADS

  3. #22
    Leads by example

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    After 35 years of working at a wastewater treatment plant for the City of Toronto it coincided with my 60th birthday and Ta Da ! here I am. Here being the farm that my dad's old friend and hunting buddy owns. We had a family cottage at Long Point since 1952 but with my dad's passing it had to be sold. So as I always hunted deer and turkey on the farm ( 20 minutes to Long Point) it was offered to me to lease when I retired. There are neighbours in the area but I can still blast away off the back deck into 50 acres of woods. Some would say I'm "living the dream" but nobody tells you the dream requires a lot of work ie; 40 year old house needed a makeover, grass takes one full day to mow using a riding mower, deer stands need repair and the list goes on. This pandemic has put a damper on having beers with the locals but the nicer weather is coming and we are winning; so they say. Alone...yes. Lonely... no. I have a 105 Lbs of Chesapeake and she is a very good listener, not much of a talker but a great listener. LoL !
    Good Luck & Good Hunting !

  4. #23
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Thanx Longpointer,You seems to have worked it all out........that is great.
    I think as the weather is opening -the restrictions will too,and by the end of May we will have our lives back.

  5. #24
    Needs a new keyboard

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    I do not even want to take my boat out of storage yet.........not sure what would be worse knowing I cannot use it or looking at it every time I walk past my driveway knowing I cannot use it - LOL.

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