September 1st, 2019, 08:35 AM
Driving experts warn us about distractions be it police or emergency or construction vehicles with lights on because as we focus on them we steer in that direction. Large lighted billboards could well be an issue for some people. As for drivers that text ? Like drunk drivers some people just don't get it ! Oh ,maybe after they wake up in jail or the hospital. Worse part is they survive but kill innocent people.
Don't get me started on all the other stupid stuff that goes on out on our highways !
Good Luck & Good Hunting !
September 1st, 2019 08:35 AM
September 1st, 2019, 04:32 PM
About an hour ago,a DRP Constable shook her finger at me for sipping my Tims DD while sitting at a stop light on Hwy #2 in Bowmanville. She didn't turn around,though. Coffee? Really?