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Thread: Toronto star article

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dythbringer View Post
    Yes DPA's were put into law to avoid harming parties that aren't directly responsible for wrongdoing. However; you left out some conditions that qualifies a company for consideration of a DPA. Please note the term consideration. It isn't a guarantee that a DPA is offered even if the conditions are still met.

    One big condition is "accept responsibility for, and stop, their wrongdoing". I have never once read anywhere in the media that SNC has accepted responsibility for their criminal acts. SNC has been doing dirty business for a while so it doesn't look like they were interested in stopping any wrongdoing. If their lobbying was effective to get the PMO to try to influence the AG to meddle in a criminal case when the prosecutors didn't offer them a DPA, please explain to me why SNC and the PMO shouldn't be facing obstruction of justice charges? I will help you a bit, jobs isn't anywhere near a good enough reason.

    The PM and Liberals have been beating on the jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs drum. They quote 9000 jobs (the entirety of Canadian workers) will be lost and SNC will move out of Canada. Looking at SNC, they had a $15.2 billion backlog of work at the end of June 2018 (plus other contracts out) ( That work will have to be finished per contract demands which means people won't be losing their jobs outright tomorrow if SNC doesn't get a DPA. Furthermore, if SNC wants to move their business from Canada to another country, they would have to make a public announcement under the securities laws here in Canada in order to warn investors/future investors about potential losses to their stocks. So far all the news I have ever heard about an move was from the PM/Liberals saying SNC told him/them they may move. This is not a public announcement by the company so it is just smoke and mirrors by the federal government to try to defend what they did.

    No one made SNC allegedly break the law. They allegedly did that on their own. If they are found guilty, they won't be starved of work, they will still be able to bid on private company contracts but not Canadian government ones. They have a very good minerals and metals division here in Toronto (I interviewed for a mechanical design job there a few years ago) whose main source of revenue is private contracts. The beating of the jobs drum doesn't fly well because there is no truth to it.

    Will some jobs be affected? Sure. Will every person employed by SNC be issued a pink slip if a DPA isn't offered? No. Even if everyone lost their job tomorrow because of this, they would find work because they are very skilled individuals. Direct action by a government to save jobs isn't a door we want to open. I recognize Harper did it with the auto sector even though the direct action was supposed to be structured as a loan. I don't think the government should have given a red cent to the auto industry but my explanation would pull the thread off-topic.
    ^^^ He's totally right! SNC has been doing dirty business for YEARS, with several corrupt charges against them. Check these allegations against SNC out, spanning more than two decades:

    Kerala Hydroelectric Dam (1995)
    Jacques Cartier Bridge (early 2000s)
    McGill University Health Centre (2011-2014)
    and the Padma Bridge (2011)

    So you have an addict ... this is normal business for them my friends. You want to keep them going? You think this is going to stop? No ... let's break up the Liberal-SNC Partnership, to stop corruption on both sides.

  2. # ADS

  3. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by trimmer21 View Post
    Given that every aspect of Quebec government is corrupt from the top down,it's easy to be very cynical that even if any charges are laid and prosecutions commenced,it'll all be "for show" with the usual politicians pointing fingers and generating sound bytes for political gain with the net result still being a big,fat ZERO.
    The Canadian voter has to wake up, and/or stop being apathetic. This is OUR country. We cannot allow this C-R-A-P to go on.

  4. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fox View Post

    They will just lay everyone off anyway, get away with bribery on the international stage and move all the jobs out of Canada, all facts and easily confirmed, Trudeau has no justification for his poor attempt at speaking.

    SNC won't move all Canadian jobs out of Canada. This is my business, I know it inside out. They are already hurting. We have their employees looking for jobs at our company. The employees are saying they have very little work in their pipeline. On the other hand, our company is VERY busy ... because we are ETHICAL and don't stray from the long term course. SNC has already coughed up most of the work they could have gotten to other Canadian companies. Our clients aren't stupid, they know what's going on ... and they're probably gonna stay far away from SNC for a while.

    That's why all these threats of 9000 people losing their jobs is pure BS ... they probably don't even have enough work to keep half that many people busy, and employees see the writing on the wall, they are already leaving in droves.

    All this work goes back to other good Canadian Engineering companies. We have amongst the world's best engineers, and are working for companies from all over the world ... they are coming to us, not the other way around.

  5. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkB View Post
    SNC won't move all Canadian jobs out of Canada. This is my business, I know it inside out. They are already hurting. We have their employees looking for jobs at our company. The employees are saying they have very little work in their pipeline. On the other hand, our company is VERY busy ... because we are ETHICAL and don't stray from the long term course. SNC has already coughed up most of the work they could have gotten to other Canadian companies. Our clients aren't stupid, they know what's going on ... and they're probably gonna stay far away from SNC for a while.

    That's why all these threats of 9000 people losing their jobs is pure BS ... they probably don't even have enough work to keep half that many people busy, and employees see the writing on the wall, they are already leaving in droves.

    All this work goes back to other good Canadian Engineering companies. We have amongst the world's best engineers, and are working for companies from all over the world ... they are coming to us, not the other way around.
    The threats of job losses are paper tigers.

    Everyone knows that if you're a competent professional working in that sphere, the void created will be filled.

    Everyone was aghast when Nortel went bust here in Ottawa. Funny thing? It generated more small scale businesses, and other tech players, which long term, actually created more employment than Nortel was responsible for.
    "Camo" is perfectly acceptable as a favorite colour.

    Proud member - Delta Waterfowl, CSSA, and OFAH

  6. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebulldog View Post

    1. You seem to confuse public procurement processes, with that of government Departments. The "Harper Government" was in power at the time. They however, didn't sign the cheques, and said processes were still under the scrutiny of the various government bodies. So, NO, "Harper" cut no deal. They were the Government in power when some poor procurement decisions were made.

    2. SNCL is well known for it's issues with poor ethics, through Chretien, Martin, Harper, etc. It is not the nature of the beast that is at issue. It is the interference in a judicial process, over a criminal matter .

    But please do continue with your "whataboutism".
    BINGO! We have a winner, chicken dinner!!

    At the time, SNC was ALLEGED ... the difference now is they have been CONVICTED on Libya charges. It is proven fact now. Enter the law, which I believe says any company CONVICTED of corruption (I would be surprised if an allegation or even a charge is sufficient as this is yet to be tested by the courts), cannot be used for 10 years for gov't contracts. Enter Trudope who says, "Na ... we gonna protect our good old buddies SNC, so they can keep me as an MP representing Montreal."

  7. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebulldog View Post
    The threats of job losses are paper tigers.

    Everyone knows that if you're a competent professional working in that sphere, the void created will be filled.

    Everyone was aghast when Nortel went bust here in Ottawa. Funny thing? It generated more small scale businesses, and other tech players, which long term, actually created more employment than Nortel was responsible for.
    Trying to make some humor here, but was one of the spin-offs RIM? LOL.

  8. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkB View Post
    Trying to make some humor here, but was one of the spin-offs RIM? LOL.
    Lol. No. but if you survey many of the businesses in the Kanata North area ( huge tech sector), many of their founders, or senior management came from Nortel, as well as many of the older techs they employ.

    I worked for a consulting firm here, founded by a former Nortel manager, who now employs almost 200 people, almost exclusively in the Federal Government way of just one example.
    "Camo" is perfectly acceptable as a favorite colour.

    Proud member - Delta Waterfowl, CSSA, and OFAH

  9. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebulldog View Post
    Lol. No. but if you survey many of the businesses in the Kanata North area ( huge tech sector), many of their founders, or senior management came from Nortel, as well as many of the older techs they employ.

    I worked for a consulting firm here, founded by a former Nortel manager, who now employs almost 200 people, almost exclusively in the Federal Government way of just one example.
    This is truth, I know a guy that worked at Nortel, then went to RIM ... now he's at a bank ... I won't say which bank, but if his track record continues ... LOL

  10. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkB View Post
    This is truth, I know a guy that worked at Nortel, then went to RIM ... now he's at a bank ... I won't say which bank, but if his track record continues ... LOL
    Pull your mutual funds Tout de suite.....
    "Camo" is perfectly acceptable as a favorite colour.

    Proud member - Delta Waterfowl, CSSA, and OFAH

  11. #40
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkB View Post
    I say Trudope should just drop the law and publically state he's okay working with corrupt companies. Instead of beating around the bush, and treating us all like idiots ... just say the truth. It's soooo simple. What is the point of having a law that excludes corrupt companies from bidding on government contracts, when you have another law that in essence nullifies it? It's stupid ... you either have the law, or you don't.

    It's a crappy situation, yes there will be innocent by-standards ... but what about the innocent TAXPAYERS that are paying for all of this ... they are stealing OUR money. So are we okay sticking it to the taxpayers, but not okay with the few at SNC who will be hurt from this? Who decides what is the right thing to do? Trudope?? Give me a break ... that's why this needs to go to court. We can't just make the SNC employee the victim here. Besides probably most of those guys will be mopped up by other CANADIAN companies. There are many good Canadian Engineering companies ... we act like SNC is the only one ... NO they are NOT.

    The business will land in the hands of more ethical companies. The employees will move to more ethical companies. You need to make an example here, so it doesn't happen again, at least not in the short term, and not ever by any ethical company.

    This is about Trudope protecting his votes in Montreal. Period. He's willing to be Judge and Jury for his own little selfish purpose. It's sickening.
    I disgaree that scandal is about Trudeau protecting his votes in Montreal. While I don't doubt that is the reason behind his behaviour, the scandal is he and his staff tried to alter a criminal case by influencing the AG on behalf of the defendant in said case. At minimum, it shows how bush league he is at politics. At worst, he could be charged with obstructing justice.

    All Liberal supporters who say that is ok, would be foaming at the mouth if Harper/Scheer did it with an oil company. That is hypocrisy.
    Last edited by Dythbringer; March 14th, 2019 at 03:23 PM.

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