March 7th, 2019, 07:16 AM
Ottawa Valley Chapter – West Carleton, ON
St. John Chryostom Parish Hall, 295 Albert Street, Arnprior,
[COLOR=#000000]Saturday, March 30, 2019
Doors Open – 5:00 PM | Dinner – 6:30 PM
Youth Ticket (age 15 and under) – $20
Single Ticket – $50
Couples Ticket – $85
Sponsor Table of 10 Ticket – $1,100
^ Includes VIP seating for 10, each person receives $100 in general raffle tickets, every person gets one ticket to win a firearm!
Buy tickets online at:
For more information contact Rebecca Wissink at (613) 983-4506 or email at[email protected].
Or PM me.
"Camo" is perfectly acceptable as a favorite colour.
Proud member - Delta Waterfowl, CSSA, and OFAH
March 7th, 2019 07:16 AM
March 11th, 2019, 08:16 AM
Bump. Need tickets sold guys.
"Camo" is perfectly acceptable as a favorite colour.
Proud member - Delta Waterfowl, CSSA, and OFAH
March 12th, 2019, 07:07 AM
"Camo" is perfectly acceptable as a favorite colour.
Proud member - Delta Waterfowl, CSSA, and OFAH
March 15th, 2019, 10:35 AM
bump...just over two weeks out!
"Camo" is perfectly acceptable as a favorite colour.
Proud member - Delta Waterfowl, CSSA, and OFAH
March 30th, 2019, 05:54 PM
I hear it has been cancelled .... I knew I wasn't able to attend .... sorry to hear
O.F.A.H Zone F 1st Vice Chair
March 30th, 2019, 09:02 PM
More like postponed.
Lack of ticket sales.
Lots of people saying they would buy at the door....
Note to folks attending these. Buying at the door says you can't plan for $#1t.
A lot of planning goes into these dinners, and giving the caterer accurate numbers is important.
If possible, always buy from the members or buy online.
"Camo" is perfectly acceptable as a favorite colour.
Proud member - Delta Waterfowl, CSSA, and OFAH