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Thread: Maxime Bernier and the debate I hope doesn�t derail the CPC

  1. #11
    Member for Life

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    This is not good. Now he will split the right just like the days of the Reform party. We are now stuck with Trudough for at least 8 more years. You can always count on Conservatives to eat their young and Liberals to screw the country. I feel sorry for my kids.
    I’m suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog who doesn't like a person.

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by terrym View Post
    This is not good. Now he will split the right just like the days of the Reform party. We are now stuck with Trudough for at least 8 more years. You can always count on Conservatives to eat their young and Liberals to screw the country. I feel sorry for my kids.
    I feel sorry for anyone still breathing in 8 years at the end of that disaster if it happens! Given the current trends, MAYBE flintlock firearms still allowed, Sharia law and no go zones in many cities, 300,000 per year ... 2,400,000 new almost unscreen immigrants and given what I have seen many of them collecting welfare or going on some kind of pension .... if they are there in 8 with that block added it will be 16 probably... or more.... carbon taxes, huge welfare numbers, thought police that beat up anyone questioning them .... Justin's favourite type of gov't ... a dictatorship!

    Either is far better than that bag of dog poop posing as a Prime Minster now but this is just an opportunity for Justlied and his calling an early election (which even the Toronto Star has mentioned). What next? Who knows! Maybe hiring Iran's and Russia's gov't reps as helpers for J.T. and selling them Alberta to them in exchange ???? .... hmmmmm is a joke .... but thinking of his MP's and himself.... no I will leave it as sarcastic joke ... I hope.
    Last edited by mosquito; August 23rd, 2018 at 03:19 PM.

  4. #13
    Leads by example

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    Well, I don’t like the way he did it, or his continued use of social media to attack his former party, but he’s certainly started a discussion on supply management. I don’t know a great deal about it yet, but between his criticism and it being a big sticking point in the NAFTA talks, I find myself asking why it should remain in place ? It certainly doesn’t seem to be a free market conservative idea ? The Quebec and Ontario seats are the obvious reason given by many.

  5. #14
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    This reminds me of the little kid who couldn't get his own way and decided to take his toys and go home. NAFTA will be a non-starter with Canada having to sign a "take-it-or-leave-it" deal or take a hike. I hope Foreign Minister Christia Freeland doesn't plan on a long trip because it'll be sign here and see ya and you can bet Trudeau et al have a zero backup plan if it comes completely off the rails. The main Liberal media exercise will be convincing Canadians that we got a good deal. This should be g-o-o-d. At this point in time,I doubt all this angst over Bernier will amount to much. He'll try to form a "rump" party much like Lucien Bouchard did,but,was more of an irritant than anything else.
    Last edited by trimmer21; August 29th, 2018 at 06:05 PM.

  6. #15
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Well he created the party and the platform ... the name reminds me of some socialist dictatorship though ....

  7. #16
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    I can't discuss like you guys , but I read and think a lot. One of my favourite writer's is Andrew Coyne.
    This is his latest editorial on Bernier , and I think it is right on.
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