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Thread: Have you guys been slepping?!? Trudeau groping story....

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by B Wilson View Post
    Trudeau went on record saying that there is zero tolerance, no time limits , as well that all women need to be believed. That's what people are talking about and if you are the PM, claim to be a feminist, well, it's going to take a little more than "I don't remember" to make this blow over. If it was one of his back bench members, they would have been suspended from caucus pending an investigation.
    Quite possibly, Justin had a "grab her by the _____" mentality 20 years ago.
    I still have a "grab her by the ......." mentality, always have. Difference in the whole grab or don't grab is if you have permission. He did not...
    Take the warning labels off. Darwin will solve the problem.

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
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    Yet, some on here still support trump, (up there with Weinstein as a predator), even though there is not a man on this planet , who would want him to date their daughter......

  4. #13
    Getting the hang of it

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    The difference G is that Trump isn’t selling himself as a feminist, nor is he taking every opportunity to virtue signal with regards to me to. For the record I can’t stand either. Trump makes my skin crawl and JT, makes me weep for our children that we would elect such an obviously vain, shallow, imbecile.

    It was actually Warren Kinsella ( former liberal insider) that broke the story and the CBC also sat on it for weeks. Not right wing at all....

  5. #14
    Getting the hang of it

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    One other point, and it’s pertinent. The fact it is from 18 years ago is a big deal for 2 reasons.

    First: The woman involved complained to the editor right away. Long before JT was anyone, let alone the PM. So it’s obviously not politically motivated as it was with Brown, those women only came forward years later, when he was someone, and on the verge of becoming premier.

    Second: JT himself back then unguarded, not in politics, was in fact a do nothing in life baby. So which is the real JT. The one who when he had nothing to lose and no public persona groped a young lady..or the JT of today, who has a public profile to safeguard......

    Imo, the fact it was from long ago, the complaint made right away when he was a nobody, made long before “ me to” was a catch phrase and when it was rare for a woman to complain.........makes this far more damning and credible than the accusations against Brown.
    Last edited by LoR; July 3rd, 2018 at 08:28 PM.

  6. #15
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonkers View Post
    Not a JT supporter but you can't compare what Brown and the MP's did, those happened recently. This Trudope allegation almost happened nearly 20 years ago and was dug up by The Post to ignite the right wing movement. If it was such a big deal like most here assume it to be, why didn't the accuser come forth and make the statement instead of a reporter digging up old articles?

    See what LOR wrote in the above two posts. There was even an editorial written about the incident the next day. I will try to find the link.


  7. #16
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Not sure if this is going to work but......
    Attached Images Attached Images

  8. #17
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by B Wilson View Post
    Trudeau went on record saying that there is zero tolerance, no time limits , as well that all women need to be believed. That's what people are talking about and if you are the PM, claim to be a feminist, well, it's going to take a little more than "I don't remember" to make this blow over. If it was one of his back bench members, they would have been suspended from caucus pending an investigation.
    Quite possibly, Justin had a "grab her by the _____" mentality 20 years ago.
    I was watching this with a "who cares" type attitude myself but the hypocrisy of the Liebral's is showing as usual, Kang, Hehr etc. etc.

    "However, Trudeau banished or allowed the resignations of four other MPs from his caucus over the last four years after similar accusations of misconduct were leveled against them."

    I mean this is a video of the boob himself saying what he thinks ... elitist, narcissist, ideologue spoiled idiot!

    As for the time it happened .... C-71 looks at the whole life, why not hold himself to the same standard .... of course C-75 let's terrorist, child molesters and other criminals off with less time .... then there is C-76 with is monkey "sh**" on election reform .... so given that model .... other than an ideologues delusion, well I see nothing logical in it.... so let's see the hypocrites and CBC spin!!!
    Last edited by mosquito; July 4th, 2018 at 11:11 AM.

  9. #18
    Has too much time on their hands

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    So much for listening to the victims .... the molester of children in Alberta

    and of course Justin
    Trudeau offered an apology of sorts: "I'm sorry," he is quoted as saying. "If I had known you were reporting for a national paper I never would have been so forward."
    The woman who alleged Prime Minister Justin Trudeau touched her inappropriately some two decades ago issued a statement Friday saying the incident happened as described — but she now wants to be left alone.

    "I issue this statement reluctantly, in response to mounting media pressure to confirm that I was the reporter who was the subject of the Open Eyes editorial, published in the Creston Valley Advance in August of 2000," Rose Knight, the former journalist, wrote.

    "The incident referred to in the editorial did occur, as reported. Mr. Trudeau did apologize the next day. I did not pursue the incident at the time and will not be pursuing the incident further. I have had no subsequent contact with Mr. Trudeau, before or after he became Prime Minister."

    For those mentioned before .... must be held to account..... for refugees and Liberal's ... another set of standards .... #NoLibs2019 !!!

  10. #19
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    Everything you have posted above, has been in the news and we all have been reading about it .

  11. #20
    Leads by example

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    I don’t really care if he did or didn’t. The focus of this issue is perhaps now Justin will experience being accused, tried, convicted and sentenced in the court of public opinion without any due process like so many others.

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