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Thread: Sunday Laws

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default Sunday Laws

    Sunday law.jpg

    How times have changed?

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bushmoose View Post
    Sunday law.jpg

    How times have changed?
    Yep,back in the day when the bible thumpers ruled supreme.

  4. #3
    Member for Life

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    Forget the bible thumpers, but back then there was respect for others and most everything, which in this day and age there is little respect for any thing/one.
    These days . it's f.u. I have my rights.

  5. #4
    Has too much time on their hands

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    A lot of places still follow those crazy laws of no sunday hunting. But I do agree with not working on sundays LOL
    "Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, Teach a man to fish and he eats for the rest of his life"

  6. #5
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    Farmers not being able to work on a Sunday, ha ha ha ha.

    Work make hay while the sun shines, if that means it is a Sunday then that is the day you work.

  7. #6
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    Grandpa always thought he ran the farm. Being kids,we always believed him,too. When he told us that chores were to be done,we jumped and did them or else. Then came Sunday morning and things changed real quick. We did chores at dawn,but,after breakfast,it was time for church and and woe betide the errant family member who was late or appeared unkempt. Nobody dared antagonize the wrath of Grandma on Sunday,especially,not even Grandpa because it would last the rest of the week.

  8. #7
    Leads by example

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    I’m not religious but I do believe that everyone should be allowed a day off to spend with family. Then again, how many of the people working service/retail jobs need those Sunday hours to make ends meet ? Tough one

  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by trimmer21 View Post
    Grandpa always thought he ran the farm. Being kids,we always believed him,too. When he told us that chores were to be done,we jumped and did them or else. Then came Sunday morning and things changed real quick. We did chores at dawn,but,after breakfast,it was time for church and and woe betide the errant family member who was late or appeared unkempt. Nobody dared antagonize the wrath of Grandma on Sunday,especially,not even Grandpa because it would last the rest of the week.
    The number of times that we would have a family get together for Easter or a big family birthday, Christening, etc and one of the farmers in the family always missed it.

    There is actually a protestant church that was the church of the farmers, they did not care when you spent time with God and that worked well with the farmers. I do forget which one it was though, the name escapes me. I will tell you though, if the hay was cut and rain was coming Monday we would be bailing as soon as the dew was burned off on Sunday.

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