June 6th, 2018, 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by
Looks like Rob knew his wife would go through all his money and his kids would be left with nothing. Likely why he left Doug as trustee to protect them.
Yep,and she's already leveraged the house to the tune of $798K and can't make the interest payments. That's why she's launched the lawsuit. Rob was smart not appointing his wife as Executor. That would be like the mouse guarding the cheese.
June 6th, 2018 07:16 PM
June 6th, 2018, 08:18 PM
Likely. It amazes me people don’t see this.
The “real” world “facts” should be impossible to ignore.
There is virtually nothing in their plan that actually helps those people. She/they can blow smoke out their backsides (like any politician does).....but hey only the side I don’t like does that....
No, none, nada arguing.
Debt ( all things govt) is way to high to GDP (all things economy).
Don Drummond also spelled it out. What’s changed?
Not much
Except things have gotten worse for um. The people they pretend to care about.
Companies ARE leaving. Just read the news once in a blue moon if Trans Mountain, magna and more aren’t enough. Google
“Canada investment capital”.
So how does raising corporate taxes help the situation???????
How does putting more people out of work help?????
It doesn’t...
The only people who will benefit is “ps”. More jobs, in an industry that contributes nothing to an economy...
Rural and small town Ontario. Just hammered by so much......
Much more...
But I suppose there are those (unions) who think solidarity is all that bs thinking for themselves..
RF is no white knight, make no mistake. He though isn’t playing Russian roulette, let alone adding 5 bullits to the speed loader