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Thread: Kathleen Wynne could lose her seat in next election

  1. #1
    Getting the hang of it

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    Default Kathleen Wynne could lose her seat in next election

    Well, I guess when you ignore even your own riding this might happen. Wynn might lose not only the election but also her own riding as well.


  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Well at least Doug Ford will have a nice comfy jail cell waiting for her. Martha Stewart will be her interior designer.

  4. #3
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Quote Originally Posted by yellow dog View Post
    Well at least Doug Ford will have a nice comfy jail cell waiting for her. Martha Stewart will be her interior designer.
    I sure hope so but the support for NDP has me worried.

  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by last5oh_302 View Post
    I sure hope so but the support for NDP has me worried.
    Those "polls" the media cite are paid for by the NDP union supporters and we all know that the media is unbiased with reporting,right? As Liberal support evaporates,it's only natural that the other party on the left fills the void. To what extent remains to be seen,but,I doubt they'll win a majority. It's still the PC's to lose as long as people don't believe the left BS.

  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by trimmer21 View Post
    Those "polls" the media cite are paid for by the NDP union supporters and we all know that the media is unbiased with reporting,right? As Liberal support evaporates,it's only natural that the other party on the left fills the void. To what extent remains to be seen,but,I doubt they'll win a majority. It's still the PC's to lose as long as people don't believe the left BS.
    It is funny that they are all supported by the left, if this was the case then why did the PCs have a 92% chance of winning a majority back at the start of the campaign?

  7. #6
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    The NDP has surged in the popular vote and are equal with the PC. It's ridings that matter though and the PC's have a comfortable lead for now. Never underestimate the PC's ability to kill a sure thing though. That being said the NDP are now getting more scrutiny and there is some scary things popping up. This isn't over yet.
    as for Wynne losing her seat, most Libranos will lose their seats. I'm sure she has some plum appointment waiting from Trudough.
    Last edited by terrym; May 29th, 2018 at 12:06 PM.
    I’m suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog who doesn't like a person.

  8. #7
    Has too much time on their hands

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    I actually hope she keeps her seat... Horwath.... she can lose but it would be rather enjoyable to see her and the 4 remaining Libs have to sit there and see their agenda of waste etc. get trash canned and be sitting there if there are questions about things like say.... accounting records and transactions. I doubt she would stay long before resigning but losing her seat means she will never be there in question period.

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