May 18th, 2018, 08:20 AM
White Privilege
Now all of a sudden we have these wackos running around trying to shame white people because they have in some way become successful - colleges are teaching courses with that theme - what they don't realize is that the culture that most white people are born into promotes success - study and hard work - all you have to do is look that what countries contributed to the advances in medicine, science and engineering that we have today - what ever came out of South America, Africa, and the Middle East - nothing - while in Europe they were shooting rockets in these countries they were still throwing spears - Now don't start calling me a racist because I am not - given a equal chance people of any race can rise to the top - but this will only happen when they live in a culture that gives them the opportunity - and they make use of it - white privilege - give me a break
May 18th, 2018 08:20 AM
May 18th, 2018, 08:29 AM
I always reject and rebuff the "white privilege" theory when presented by those that espouse such nonsense. I may be white and successful and if I can do it,a-n-y-o-n-e can do it no matter what their race and demographic. "White privilege" is more racist pap made up by those who see themselves as "politically correct." What pathetic individuals they are.
May 18th, 2018, 09:20 AM
Has too much time on their hands
I have never encountered anyone in my immediate family or friends that had promoted the white privilege theory. In fact most of my family and friends are all hard working people of a variety of ethnic backgrounds. They all have one thing in common being that hard work does pay off along with having morals and values . Most of them are Christian or at least the remaining that are not were raised in a Christian home. One of my uncles is a direct descendant of the Underground Railroad located in Dresden Ontario, Uncle Toms Cabin. Believe me his family struggled but they perservered and he became a very successful business man. I never heard him complain about white privilege once and is a shining example of what hard work and respect can accomplish. I have other family members that are of other ethic backgrounds with same success stories. All have married into my family(white) and even there children all are successful in life along with successful careers such as police officers, firemen, banking, teachers, medical practitioners and amazing roll models for there children of mixed race. My children don't see the color of people, they see people and judge them on their actions on how well they treat others.
May 18th, 2018, 01:36 PM
You can't even compare the "white priviege" between Canada and the States. This is just another of Joepa's dumb post
May 18th, 2018, 02:19 PM
Has too much time on their hands
Originally Posted by
You can't even compare the "white priviege" between Canada and the States. This is just another of Joepa's dumb post
Care to elaborate ?
May 18th, 2018, 03:15 PM
Has too much time on their hands
It's not just "White privilege"!
Not too long ago my better half and I were watching the Canadian news (natives having no water, emigrants having no roof, women not making enough $, gays having no right, fat not loosing weight, and so on....) she looked at me and said "Soon, we are going to hear about the white man complex".
What she meant was that the way the news & the world go now a day if you are a white man with a decent job, of regular size, kind of normal in the head, with a average life, you should feel privileged and so ashamed and depress. She is so right!