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Thread: A new Visitor

  1. #1
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    Default A new Visitor

    This morning while having breakfast and watching the bird feeder, noticed a bird I /we haven't seen for quite a few years.
    It was an " Indigo Bunting " really pretty little bird, Bright Blue just happily feeding with the Gold Finches that were there.
    I hope he /she stays around as they do have a very merry song they sing usually around noon while sitting in high bushes close by.
    Birds that are back, Orioles, both Baltimore and Orchard , and the Ruby Throated Humming Birds arrived her on Tuesday.

    Now two hours later, there are two Indigo Buntings!
    Last edited by jaycee; May 10th, 2018 at 12:23 PM.

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Nice to see them back, still waiting for the Wrens to show up. Batman and his gang are tardy too, time to decimate the mosquitos

  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fisherman View Post
    Nice to see them back, still waiting for the Wrens to show up. Batman and his gang are tardy too, time to decimate the mosquitos

    I noticed the Tree Swallows are back today, they help keep the mosquito population down.
    Haven't heard or seen Wrens yet, but soon, today was quite colourful at the feeders, at one time there were Cardinals, Blue Jays, Rose Breasted Grosbeak, Goldfinches and the two Indigo Buntings various Sparrows and a few Mourning Doves and now three Ruby Throated Humming Birds at their own feeders, not feeding much just chasing each other around [breeding time ?] and making quite a raquette.
    Really enjoyable to see and hear these birds.

  5. #4
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    I get quite a few doves around my place and feeder. DON'T like them. They are bullies. When I put food out on my back deck - they will sit in the middle of the food and chase the other smaller birds away. The same with the bird bath/watering station I have. They will sit in the water and chase other smaller birds away. If they did this while they are feeding - I don't mind - but they will stay the entire day chasing off smaller birds. There poops are huge, they have stupid heads and their nests are built by mentally challenged birds - doves. And their continuous coo coo coo really gets to me. The best thing about them is they have ample breast meat for the hawk that swoops down and carries their sorry azzez away.

  6. #5
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Doves = flying rats. Theres a million trees to sit in and poop, but no they sit on the power lines and crap all over the car.

  7. #6
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by Roper View Post
    I get quite a few doves around my place and feeder. DON'T like them. They are bullies. When I put food out on my back deck - they will sit in the middle of the food and chase the other smaller birds away. The same with the bird bath/watering station I have. They will sit in the water and chase other smaller birds away. If they did this while they are feeding - I don't mind - but they will stay the entire day chasing off smaller birds. There poops are huge, they have stupid heads and their nests are built by mentally challenged birds - doves. And their continuous coo coo coo really gets to me. The best thing about them is they have ample breast meat for the hawk that swoops down and carries their sorry azzez away.
    Please show us on the doll where the mean doves touch you......

  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roper View Post
    I get quite a few doves around my place and feeder. DON'T like them. They are bullies. When I put food out on my back deck - they will sit in the middle of the food and chase the other smaller birds away. The same with the bird bath/watering station I have. They will sit in the water and chase other smaller birds away. If they did this while they are feeding - I don't mind - but they will stay the entire day chasing off smaller birds. There poops are huge, they have stupid heads and their nests are built by mentally challenged birds - doves. And their continuous coo coo coo really gets to me. The best thing about them is they have ample breast meat for the hawk that swoops down and carries their sorry azzez away.
    You must live in the city ?? we get along with the doves, enjoy their cooing and the doves also get along with all the other birds around here.

  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fisherman View Post
    Doves = flying rats. Theres a million trees to sit in and poop, but no they sit on the power lines and crap all over the car.
    Solution -- move the car! , or buy and put up an owl or hawk decoy, that will get rid of all your bird problems.

  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fisherman View Post
    Doves = flying rats. Theres a million trees to sit in and poop, but no they sit on the power lines and crap all over the car.

    As for the " poop " it can /does happen anywhere , we just run ours through the car wash, nice to have and keep our vehicles clean and shinny.

  11. #10
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Quote Originally Posted by jaycee View Post
    Solution -- move the car! , or buy and put up an owl or hawk decoy, that will get rid of all your bird problems.
    LOL, I know what you mean but those dam rats just move over and start again, I may just go and get one of those big eyed owls.

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