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Thread: Article wrote by a woman

  1. #1
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Post Article wrote by a woman

    I have discovered something that has been known for centuries, women are evil creatures at the core.Does that sound strange coming from me? It shouldn't, I know of what I speak. Would it help to know how it came to be that way? Well too bad! I'm going to tell you anyway...mwhahaha!
    Away back in the cave man time, men were a lot stronger then women, in fact women needed men just to survive in the world long enough to bare children, so you know what happened? They got, not necessarily smarter, but certainly more crafty. They didn't have a lot of "stuff" to do. They did not go out to hunt food, or fight off marauding lions, so They had time to develop things like food preservation and cloth making, things the men could not survive without. Then They Voo-Dooed child birth to make men afraid of the process.

    Do you honestly believe that women did not know how a child was made? How many pregnant kills did they butcher before they figured it out? This and a lot of other dirty little secrets were kept from the men so that it would tie them to them, so that even when they got preggers and fat, old and wrinkled they would not leave them to starve.

    Now lets skip ahead and take all that heritage and put it in a modern women. First women are not raised like they were, they are told to stand on their own, make their own way, don't rely on men. So they try, but that is a direct conflict of their heritage isn't it?
    So every once in a while a women feels the need to tie a man to her, and out comes that prehistorical streak of cleverness, and she succeeds in the tie, then severs it just as quickly because she does not need a man does she?

    If you really want to make a relationship with a woman work, learn to recognize when you are being manipulated, women are champions at this. You might also want to read a book called Women Are From Venus, Men Are From Mars. Don't give up yet, it's not a matter of finding a good woman, it's a matter of recognizing that you maybe stronger, but we are more crafty.

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
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    Divorce therapy?
    Take the warning labels off. Darwin will solve the problem.

  4. #3
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    I was cleaning out some draws a while back and came upon a letter that one of my daughter-in-laws sent me some time ago - I will repeat it word for word -

    "Dear Mr. --------------
    I wanted to take a moment and write to thank you for the things you have done to make Joe the person that he is. He is so kind and loving. He is more than I ever hoped for in husband , and he is my dearest friend. I truly appreciate him and I thank the Lord so often that he bought us together. Thank you again for your influence. I hope your leg healing. Praying for both you and MaryAnn . Love Lisa "

    So you see Standup that there are people who have very good marriages

  5. #4
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    Lol Mercy Standup.

  6. #5
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharon View Post
    Lol Mercy Standup.
    Didn't write. Wrote by a woman. I to Joe was raised by my Irish grandparents. Him 6 foot 7 240. Granny 4 foot 10 120. Their marriage was the envy of the 800 people village. Grannys honesty was cute though. When any remark was made as to her being so small and him a vertical horse (even before the new gender parity/imparity took over) granny would say he's nothing compared to what my cunning can do. I just choose not to, lucky for him

  7. #6
    Has all the answers

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    Wow...get a life man

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