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Thread: Coming to Canada?

  1. #1
    Has too much time on their hands

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    2186 Getting Ready To Puke Coming to Canada?

    In the UK we already Lauren Southern banned and our media giving it a spin....

    We have Tommy Robinson almost causing a riot because he wanted to read a speech at Speakers corner

    P.S. More from the way the police treated some

    In Canada we have:
    • M 103 - agenda there being pushed hard!
    • the liebral thought police at work on student funding,
    • Wynne saying that students should vote so old voters won't decide it ( old white scare crow doesn't seemed to have looked in a mirror )
    • Fear mongering by the libs on firearms, freezing the wage increase a year, not having a carbon tax...
    • there are alt-left groups on Facebook and twitter spewing the propaganda b s on Ford and Scheer and ramping up like crazy ..... (on North 99 there are some actually calling for an overthrow and redistribution of wealth too and of course Communist page *)
    • we have our lunatics in power (and NDP) promising free stuff etc to anyone and everyone to buy the election
    • CBC funded to the tune of 1,500,000,000 and lying and covering up
    • our PM shirking responsibility and on vacation repeatedly
    • PM with ethics violation
    • admirers of terrorists and tyrants in power (Justin Trudeau, Omar Alghabra, Butts...)
    • speeches and meeting by people like Ezra Levant vandalized and violence
    • a senior gov't official uncondemed for acting like the 1930's National Socialist actually calling a Jew a Nazi (Butts again)
    • those that have no clue and don't want to learn declaring there should be bans and restrictions on free speech, firearms etc.
    • the libs saying they will reduce taxes for the middle class... yet 91% get an increase + carbon tax...

    and I can go on.... it seems Animal Farm/1984 is trying to come to Canada.... your thoughts?

    Peter Pan Trudeau.... idiocracy!


    * From Communist page... sounds almost like NDP anymore ...
    "Today, as we continue to struggle against the deepening crises capitalism creates – economic, social and environmental – more and more people are realizing that it’s the system itself that’s the problem. Socialism is more urgently needed today more than ever before!
    It’s time capitalism was replaced with a democratic, peaceful, equitable and sustainable system: Socialism! "

    Justlied's admiration for a bloody tyrant.

    Left think police

    Left intolerance and a real national socialist name callling

    Communist/alt-left North 99 page on Scheers firearm changes (lots of calls to ban on there too. right now mostly pro-Wynne and demand for more gov't free stuff)
    Last edited by mosquito; March 18th, 2018 at 03:38 PM.

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