March 6th, 2018, 03:20 PM
" GOLD "
Lots of it , the feathered type. Today we are almost inundated with Gold Finches, also a few House Finches [red].
I tried counting them the Gold Finches and had roughly 86, then a Coopers Hawk flew in and they all scattered. About 30 minutes later they were all coming back settling again on the lawn around the feeders and absolutely just covering all 3 of our big feeders.
There must be a migration coming through as I have never seen that many at once.
Strange though, our neighbor across the road sent me a picture and they had probably just as many Red Winged Black Birds as we had Gold Finches.
Turkey Vultures are back, along with a solitary Robin, I think Spring must be just around the corner, but I don't know which one .
March 6th, 2018 03:20 PM
March 6th, 2018, 10:56 PM
First goose flew overhead yesterday
About 2 weeks earlier than average but.. here come spring.
March 8th, 2018, 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by
First goose flew overhead yesterday
About 2 weeks earlier than average but.. here come spring.
The geese are flying all over around here, now that the late goose season is over.
Also there are a lot of Tundra Swans around, observed a flock that had gathered ?? around 1000, they were here for 2 days , resting and then all flew off.
March 12th, 2018, 06:26 AM
Red wing blackbirds ,turkey vultures and Grackles are back about 2 weeks ahead of schedule in my area.