February 3rd, 2018, 04:54 PM
The sad part is line 052 actually believes in what he says.
February 3rd, 2018 04:54 PM
February 3rd, 2018, 06:31 PM
Has too much time on their hands
February 4th, 2018, 11:27 AM
Too old and yesterday's news. She's run twice before and lost miserably. Time for a new, younger face.
February 4th, 2018, 01:13 PM
Has too much time on their hands
Originally Posted by
Too old and yesterday's news. She's run twice before and lost miserably. Time for a new, younger face.
Unfortunately that's what got us into our current mess.
February 5th, 2018, 06:46 AM
Has too much time on their hands
I will answer each in separate posts
Under our plan, we will attach the funding to person and person can make a choice where to direct those funds. What does that do, it allows the people to make a choice with their own tax dollars (that is taken from you). Lets take healthcare for an example. Currently, the Ministry of Health (MOH). The budget is 50B, only 25B is allocated to the 14 LHINs, half (it is actually 24.8B to LHINS and 25.2B to 5 layers above LHINS that delivers no frontline services). OK that is a fact, it also the reason for the rationing that occurs, this government and Harris grew that bureaucracy and pander to that voter block as it represents the balance of power in major city ridings. How will our plan change that? First off, all your funds per person is $13,847 and less than half ($6303) is spent of front line services, that means funds sent to your LHIN. This waste, and causes of the wait times, lack of bed spaces, lack of service because the chain of money is divvied up in 5 layers before the LHINS.
Our plan attaches that full amount of the funding to a person/family and lets you choose to send all those funds to your LHINS. This plan also has the ability to introduce Private options in Healthcare. Private Health Care. Most if not all Canadians like our healthcare system and it is topnotch. So we will be attacked on this issue, nothing could be further from the truth. By giving people the money power they will then be able to choose OHIP or private. I suspect and believe Ontarians will keep OHIP as we are not reactionary people and tend to stay of the safe side of the unknown.
Ok, so what does that choice do, well first off it puts more funding in your LHINS which will allow the Administrators the ability to hire front line service workers, the budget will not be controlled by the government, but the people.
It takes the power from bureaucracy and politician to be able to influence unions and government. It removes all that power. Next it creates power for the people to control their own healthcare choices. All of a sudden the government only becomes a guide to people’s choices, and those choices becomes the guide for government.
We believe that people should have the right to keep Government Enterprise (GE) solutions or Non-Government Enterprise (NGE). Either way the people control choice and hold power over the politician.
During speeches, I have been criticized by unions saying I am going eliminate good paying jobs and my answer was. I will unapologetically replace every job above the LHINs and replace them with a Doctor, Nurse, PSW, Specialist, MRI, CATSCAN, open bed spaces and wards in Hospitals, open more beds in Nursing homes or directly subsidize a senior in Private run nursing homes. This will occur in each LHINS as they get more funding to do it. They will get it, because the people will have made a choice..not a government rationed model. I say I, but it won’t be me, it will the new LHINs management that does that.
Originally Posted by
B Wilson
Please explain how the common folk will have the power over the money and not the elected members of government.
Every time an election is called, we the voters have the opportunity to hold government/elected officials accountable. Sadly, the more populated urban areas continue to make bad choices. What mechanism would your party put in place that would allow us to stop your party from doing something mid term?
The democratic process we have today gives everyone of us power for a brief period of time from when a writ is dropped until election day, we then are at the mercy of the popular vote.
How does your party plan to achieve the majority status required to fulfill the platform agenda, when most of it appears to be focused on benefiting rural / non urban property owners which there isn't enough of to achieve the majority status required.
I have a hundred more questions...
Mark Snow, Leader Of The, Ontario Libertarian Party
February 5th, 2018, 07:06 AM
Has too much time on their hands
The democratic process we have today gives everyone of us power for a brief period of time from when a writ is dropped until election day, we then are at the mercy of the popular vote.
The democratic process we have not democratic at all. DO you have the power of recall legislation? NO
The whole system is set up right now to take your money (taxation) quietly off your paycheck and give it back to you flamboyantly. Every election promise made by a big 3 party is based on selling you your own money. Seriously take a look at the current platforms and see how they are doing it, Free Tuition, OHIP+, all designed to sell back your money to you in form of election promises. They need your vote to maintain and control of the money. That is not democracy, it is more mafia…vote for me and I will…..
Government has no money, but what it takes from us, the tax payer. If taxpayers control those funds and make choices, then the people will control power of the government. That is a true democracy, not what we have now.
Will any other platform, offer the people to right to vote on any new taxation…ours will.
We have a current party whipped vote system (big 3 parties), each libertarian is free to vote the will of constituents. That will; or people voice, will not be whipped.
The major parties, they are all out there saying, we are here for you, we are listening, we have this to offer you in form of election gifts. FOR the sole purpose of getting your vote, so they can do what they want after June 7th. The will have the power, they don’t need your vote anymore…and you have 5 yrs to wait for that 1 day voice again..that is democracy?
Libertarians will enact recall, legislations, will put in palce a referendum to raise taxes, we put in place for any new regulations that 5 must be removed from 388,000 currently on the books. Those huge amount of regulations are what is stifling business and growth in this province.
None of what these parties propose is democratic, because the people have no control over the process, bureaucrats or politicians. We aim to change that and the people will control the movement.
Our whole platform is designed to grow business, remove the powers of government and return it to the people.
Is that a bad idea.
Originally Posted by
B Wilson
Please explain how the common folk will have the power over the money and not the elected members of government.
Every time an election is called, we the voters have the opportunity to hold government/elected officials accountable. Sadly, the more populated urban areas continue to make bad choices. What mechanism would your party put in place that would allow us to stop your party from doing something mid term?
The democratic process we have today gives everyone of us power for a brief period of time from when a writ is dropped until election day, we then are at the mercy of the popular vote.
How does your party plan to achieve the majority status required to fulfill the platform agenda, when most of it appears to be focused on benefiting rural / non urban property owners which there isn't enough of to achieve the majority status required.
I have a hundred more questions...
Mark Snow, Leader Of The, Ontario Libertarian Party
February 5th, 2018, 07:40 AM
Has too much time on their hands
How does your party plan to achieve the majority status required to fulfill the platform agenda, when most of it appears to be focused on benefiting rural / non urban property owners which there isn't enough of to achieve the majority status required.
First off we have several factors that are actively working against our Party. In the Ottawa area I have been involved in many debates and speeches, that included standing MPP’s, I am/have been interviewed on TV, Radio and Newsprint. Despite having the most responses over platform, the most cheers and applause in every debate I have partaken in…nothing ever makes to the air, only the big 3 responses are shown or wrote about.
I am/have getting more Profile on CFRA, and I am getting calls for comments, but this has only been since the Brown affair and Lisa comments as the Libertarian who is running against her.
Elections Ontario after the last election when we ran 78 of 103 candidates in the last election, have been working with us weekly. We are considered an viable full slate provincial party.
As of today we have 120 of 124 candidates slated to run, and 80% of those have already been registered and accepted by Elections Ontario as an approved candidate. NO other party has even come close to this as of today.
Since we get no media coverage (deliberate), our platform is designed around social media (Facebook/Twitter) and it is having a huge impact. Daily our numbers are growing and people are joining the party. Many youth are joining which has been the biggest uptick. The youth of today are more switched on then people believe, even more so than I thought. More women are joining the party and we many who are candidates, not because they are women..but because they care about the future of Ontario, their children and families. This is common trait of all Libertarians who find the party. The just did not now we existed and have since 1974 in Ontario. As a matter of fact the Party rose from injustice to gay men’s night clubs raids of the 70’s and 80’s. Today our party includes all walks of life. You see because every Libertarian, what every other person to live in a way they see fit, in choosing of their desire with as little government influence as possible.
As for appealing to rural voters, nothing could be further from the truth. Our whole platform is designed to benefit every person in Ontario. Property rights apply to city dwellers as well rural. Taxation Plan benefits all Ontarians, Jobs and Economy is designed for all Ontarians, Reduce Government benefits all Ontarians, Put Parents in Charge benefits all Parents with school age children.
Our plan is designed to Make Ontario the Economic Engine Of Canada again, by reducing government, getting rid of carbon Taxation, reducing the 388,000 regulations that make doing business difficult. It deals with a debt/Deficit reduction plan and it is clear, it removes the powers of OMB, MPAC, and Conservation Authorities and makes Private Property owners have power over government.
Originally Posted by
B Wilson
Please explain how the common folk will have the power over the money and not the elected members of government.
Every time an election is called, we the voters have the opportunity to hold government/elected officials accountable. Sadly, the more populated urban areas continue to make bad choices. What mechanism would your party put in place that would allow us to stop your party from doing something mid term?
The democratic process we have today gives everyone of us power for a brief period of time from when a writ is dropped until election day, we then are at the mercy of the popular vote.
How does your party plan to achieve the majority status required to fulfill the platform agenda, when most of it appears to be focused on benefiting rural / non urban property owners which there isn't enough of to achieve the majority status required.
I have a hundred more questions...
Mark Snow, Leader Of The, Ontario Libertarian Party
February 5th, 2018, 07:42 AM
Has too much time on their hands
I have a hundred more questions...
I will answer them all..as this another platform for me.
Originally Posted by
B Wilson
Please explain how the common folk will have the power over the money and not the elected members of government.
Every time an election is called, we the voters have the opportunity to hold government/elected officials accountable. Sadly, the more populated urban areas continue to make bad choices. What mechanism would your party put in place that would allow us to stop your party from doing something mid term?
The democratic process we have today gives everyone of us power for a brief period of time from when a writ is dropped until election day, we then are at the mercy of the popular vote.
How does your party plan to achieve the majority status required to fulfill the platform agenda, when most of it appears to be focused on benefiting rural / non urban property owners which there isn't enough of to achieve the majority status required.
I have a hundred more questions...
Mark Snow, Leader Of The, Ontario Libertarian Party