January 12th, 2018, 02:05 PM
Has too much time on their hands
Originally Posted by
I wonder how any thinking person can think you can live off $14 an hour.
That OHIP thing up to 24... ya not liking that too much.
It isn't a bad idea but pathetically implemented, I just can't see why Justin Trudeau's kids get free meds, paid for by the province as well as the welfare or disability parent's kids who if they got the money Justlied saved would actually have an impact. His vacation that violated the law cost taxpayers over 4X the average wage in Canada and was also paid for by the taxpayers..... the elite and Liberals' get their self designated "entitlements" and the poor, welfare, disability, old age etc. all get to pay more.... on everything but meds now.
Also putting OHIP+ at 24 is just a pathetic display of trying to buy the youth voters too. The Liberal's have pushed the gov't pharma care a few times and the costs are off the scale and the benefits negligible.
He doesn't want to understand it too. Many talented people who were making $2 or more more than minimum wage are now making just minimum wage, they are now in the same ball park with the guy that needs to use a calculator to figure out the change on $2.50 when you hand him a $5 at parking. Some places that can afford to pay more or feel uncomfortable with paying a talented, hard working person might get more but probably not $2 more.....
and coming to a large grocery/restaurant chain etc. ... in the name of "faster service and easier ordering" .... to "serve you better" of course
and so goes the 60,000 (the 150,000 includes the businesses actually closing) youth and women's jobs.
Last edited by mosquito; January 12th, 2018 at 02:20 PM.
January 12th, 2018 02:05 PM
January 12th, 2018, 10:14 PM
So many of you are disillusioned on the reality of todays society. I don't here a single one of you bi***ing about Alberta rising the minimum wage to $15 in October and ours is only $14. You know why it's not a big issue out there? yet have all the same stores we do? I'll wait a while for you wannabe economist to try and figure it out. Also for you to actually find data that isn't funded by corporations
It's because 11% of their population make the minimum wage in Alberta, yet here in Ontario over 33% of the population make under $15/hour. We also have the second highest post secondary educated popuation. Employers across the board are not paying livable wages in this province. A majority of graduates make minimum wage. You may not like the facts but thats an issue with you. You older folks thrieve off the backs of minimum wage and under employed earners. Minimum wage is not a "starting wage" anymore, that is our wage. If you don't like government intervention then its up to all employers to pay the employee a livible wage. The Canadian Dream is dead
January 13th, 2018, 02:23 PM
Has too much time on their hands
You are comparing apples and oranges,
1) the minimum wage in Alberta was already $13.20
2) in much of Alberta until the NDP started killing things and the oil prices dropped the unemployment was alteast 2% lower than Ontario's rate and there was a job shortage in many parts of the province
Those Tim Hortons, McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s and A&W outlets are an essential part of life in hectic “Fort Mac” and, for the most part, they depend on temporary foreign workers, who earn between $15 and $18 an hour.
3) The population and participation rates are quite different.
4) ethnic environments, Toronto for example is made up of Little Italy, Greektown, China town, Korean Village etc. heck there is even a few good Ethiopian etc. restaurants and much of their staff is made up of English challenged, new arrivals, women working part time and a large number of cash based jobs.
I SUSPECT that a part of the difference in the participation rate can be found here, the "cash" employment is quite high I think. I have mentioned I help a friend in a restaurant in town and I have been told the one girl there before was working for cash and making $5 an hour and had to put in unpaid time too. Apparently when they were hiring the majority of those that came in wanted a cash job and were willing to work for less than minimum wage, which he wouldn't do but is apparently is very common.
5) On that topic, the 175 labour enforcers they are hiring will probably be aimed at the cash jobs and we will see alot of ethnic retail and food locations close forcing those without English, without skills, without paper work etc. into ???? welfare ... many won't qualify etc., homelessness.... probably, worse illegal activities ... many of the young women (the group most affected by these job losses) probably yes. We already see repeated arrests in the GTA on trafficking/sexual slavery charges so their enforcement is more likely to hurt than help.
6) The majority of the immigrants to Canada end up in Ontario and according to one news report the majority of the adult Syrian refugees (although many were living in Lebanon etc.) still can't find jobs due to skills and language. Those that are doing good were mostly sponsored by someone, not so for the gov't ones that got put them in hotels and ignored often. The gov't is rushing in more while we can't even process and provide for those we have now, all while ignoring the other 99% still there. The wait times are a year or more and we see more piling up and longer waits with it just getting worse. Language is part of the problem but atleast in Quebec the thousands of Haitian refugees can speak French (sort of).
You are right, the Canadian dream to have a future, a job, security .....well when a small business owner can't make money or needs to break the law to make a profit then it is pretty much dead and the Liberal's are doing there best to kill what is left with higher taxes, idiotic policies, electricity rates, divisive tactics to pit people against each other for votes, open borders with no security and so much waste the grand kids will be cursing this generation for allowing it!
TV show "Focus Ontario" information gleaned tonight:
1) They had increased costs to Tim Horton's materials but not the sales prices and there were disputes ongoing over this.
2) There are 1,847 Timmies in Ontario .... so almost double the taxes collected I estimated earlier.
3) All the NDP wants is to be able to Unionize the workers and he is either delusional or an ideologue .... in the interviews with the PC and NDP it seemed like all he could talk about was that they wanted to Unionize everything and all the businesses have bottomless pockets and were anti-worker ... typical socialist/communist
So about $80,000 * 1847 = $155,148,000 additional tax "revenue" (money out of people's pockets) for the Libs.
P.S. 2
As for Alberta....
His business, he said, has hit a wall in passing those greater costs on to his customers.
“I could increase my prices by 20 or 30 per cent and risk alienating everybody, but enough’s enough,” he said.
“It broke my heart to give layoff notices to 26 really good people who are friends, like family.”
Last edited by mosquito; January 15th, 2018 at 02:55 PM.
January 15th, 2018, 08:39 AM
Aside from being insulting to people, instead of actually debating. Mosquito has laid it out for you.
in 2014 the Liberal Government did consultation on this bill. The two main issues were the "trickle up effect", and the timeline, which was extremely swift. They ignored both.
AB has had a more prolonged implementation, allowing employers to adjust, and consumers to do likewise.
If the "Canadian Dream" is dead, then it's because the current government has effectively killed the idea that you can build something in this province, and have it succeed without giving half of it away.
You make a lot of assumptions about people based simply on their position on the matter. I respectfully suggest you realize that's a fallacy.
"Camo" is perfectly acceptable as a favorite colour.
Proud member - Delta Waterfowl, CSSA, and OFAH
January 15th, 2018, 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by
The idea with minimum wage is that it's just that, minimum. If every person without experience and education was able to live a relatively nice life based on that alone, where is the initiative, where is the incentive to elevate yourself? Evidently the idea of a meritocracy, where hard work, dedication and perseverance doesn't fit well in a socialist utopia where everyone gets a prize, and no one gets left behind in school.....
I would agree.
January 20th, 2018, 09:12 AM
Not a 'relatively nice life', but have enough money for a place to sleep and food to eat, if you work 40 hours a week.