December 6th, 2017, 11:52 AM
My wife and I both, still get the shots, back when I was still working, 15 years ago it was suggested that we [firefighters ] get the shot as we went to many medical calls and you never knew what you were in contact with[illnesses], It wasn't mandatory, but several of the guys that didn't get the flu shot , that I worked with did get the flu periodically over the years.
So after retirement , still get the shots and luckily neither of us have yet to get the flu.
December 6th, 2017 11:52 AM
December 6th, 2017, 11:55 AM
I never get a flu shot - never get sick(knock on wood) during the flu season - reason - I avoid crowds and make sure I wash my hands when I go anywhere - also tell the kids not to come around if anyone in their family is sick - has worked for a very long time - when they develop a flu shot they are only guessing what strain of flu will be around and a lot of times they don't even get the right strain - I remember one year there was so many people getting the flu a local hospital set up tents outside of the hospital building to treat the sick people who had the flu - did that so people wouldn't carry the flu bug into the hospital - over 90% of those treated had gotten the flu shot that year - at one time they actually preserved the flu vaccine with the addition of mercury so people getting the shot was also getting some mercury in their systems - I understand that is practice was stopped but I wonder what good it is doing to your body by getting some foreign disease(although dead) injected every year
December 6th, 2017, 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by
at one time they actually preserved the flu vaccine with the addition of mercury so people getting the shot was also getting some mercury in their systems - I understand that is practice was stopped but I wonder what good it is doing to your body by getting some foreign disease(although dead) injected every year
It is Methylmercury, it was taken out of childhood vaccines but not flu shots, it is a preservative and does nothing to you.
The idea behind it is a build up of your immune system before the full disease shows up, sort of the basis for every vaccine ever developed.
To think, people claiming falsely a link between Autism and vaccinations has brought back horrible diseases like Polio.
December 6th, 2017, 12:44 PM
Got mine. Karen has have her's to work.
Heard on news there is already three deaths in alberta( alberta news radio in calgary) from the flu this year.
Take the warning labels off. Darwin will solve the problem.
December 6th, 2017, 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by
yellow dog
Actually this years flu shot is only 10 % effective Terry.
You're both right! American stats are saying 48% and Canadian stats are saying 10% - may have to redesign the vaccine.
Had my shot Monday and have felt ill since. The older you get the harder it is for your immune system to handle the shot , but essential as the real flu could kill you.
Seniors should also get a prevnair 13 vaccine for pneumococcal disease ( pneumonia ++).
Last edited by Sharon; December 6th, 2017 at 11:07 PM.