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Thread: Fed Issue #47 - Liberal tax increases affecting all business and more liberal lies.

  1. #21
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Ok I will bite. So if a man or lady decides to sell the body they own, do it in safe way and earn a living doing so is wrong in your opinion. I see it different as most libertarians do. The effort of ones labour is their property, and worth, if they can earn a living doing why should a government interfere with ones personal effort. If that effort is selling your body, it is your choice, as it would be my choice to engage a the services of a prostitute. That is called free will and making a personal choice. One could also argue, that by not making it legal, then it forces those who sell own body to do it in dark. While in the dark, it creates the easy access for the criminal element to move in and take over, because it is not legal. The same reasoning can be made for drug use, illegal firearms, all those reason allow the criminal market to exist.

    So if you reason it out that way, in my opinion, the government is creating the conditions for criminals/criminal element to exist.

    Further, marijuana and the current policy of the feds and Prov will not remove the criminal elements from the market, it will only allow it to further increase. If MJ was treated with same rules as basil plant you buy in the store, it would disappear from the criminal market as everyone would be free to grow, smoke, start a business and sell the product (free market). As it stands now, all the free market entrepreneurs are being raided and closed down. This is to ensure the government approved growers, suppliers and markets are controlled and taxed. If people can understand the basics of free markets verses government controlled and regulated markets..then the business industry would flourish in Canada.

    Another example: NAFTA = Free Trade - Nothing could be further from the truth in Free Trade. NAFTA is government designed, big business designed tool to ensure only those who join the club and have lobby group can play in the NAFTA field. All others have been shut out, due to the governments control and access to those markets. So NAFTA is free trade, it another form of control for big business to maintain market share and stifle any new competition.

    If you can understand how the government controls all of your choices from Healthcare, Taxation, Schooling, business and markets, then you might get mad enough realize you are tool, and slave to power and control of the government over you personal life.

    Read this book. "Tea Party of One", By Jean-Serge Brission. A business owner who since 1991 has refused to collect PST/GST and is still in business (Greely, Ontario) and does not collect taxes on behalf of the government. His SC argument is tax collection without proper compensation for the value of his work and to be fairly compensated for his time and effort is slavery. A challenge that no level of government is willing to take to court, because the outcome will have far reaching effects on the Canadian tax system. So they leave him alone and let him do his Army of one is ignored...but he is legally right.

    Quote Originally Posted by mosquito View Post
    Not a chance, their policies on prostitution alone are enough that I would sooner vote Liberal. Even Justin Trudeau got it right when he said it is a form of abuse.

    I remember there was a study about how people make decisions when provided with new information

    50% accepted unconditionally
    30% rejected unconditionally
    15% decided to think about it but then decided without actual analysis and thought
    5% analyzed and thought about it .....

    So the conclusion was

    5% think
    15% THINK they think
    80% would rather die than think..... explains alot about Canada more and more.... the media tells people what they ought to think and they accept it blindly. I would love to see CBC do a show on anyone can swim across Lake Ontario or fly off a cliff given the right conditions and see how many would fail at even basic self preservation and try it given some of the Liberal and NDP out there. Most of the studies are nonsense and the conditions on them and sample selection make they a joke but sometimes when you talk to a Trudeau fan .....
    Mark Snow, Leader Of The, Ontario Libertarian Party

  2. # ADS

  3. #22
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by line052 View Post
    Ok I will bite. So if a man or lady decides to sell the body they own, do it in safe way and earn a living doing so is wrong in your opinion. I see it different as most libertarians do. The effort of ones labour is their property, and worth, if they can earn a living doing why should a government interfere with ones personal effort. If that effort is selling your body, it is your choice, as it would be my choice to engage a the services of a prostitute. That is called free will and making a personal choice. One could also argue, that by not making it legal, then it forces those who sell own body to do it in dark. While in the dark, it creates the easy access for the criminal element to move in and take over, because it is not legal. The same reasoning can be made for drug use, illegal firearms, all those reason allow the criminal market to exist.

    Just on that.... I would NEVER vote Libertarian or any party that wanted to legalize it. It shows a complete ignorance of the issue and detachment from studies on human trafficking, prostitution and violence against women and is just down right and even beyond stupid!

    I have heard her story and about her work several times and simply put it is on of the few things Justin has right, it is a form of violence imposed on those desperate enough.

    Legalization increases trafficking dramatically!

  4. #23
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    Read this book. "Tea Party of One", By Jean-Serge Brission. A business owner who since 1991 has refused to collect PST/GST and is still in business (Greely, Ontario) and does not collect taxes on behalf of the government. His SC argument is tax collection without proper compensation for the value of his work and to be fairly compensated for his time and effort is slavery. A challenge that no level of government is willing to take to court, because the outcome will have far reaching effects on the Canadian tax system. So they leave him alone and let him do his Army of one is ignored...but he is legally right.
    the above quote -by line 052

    I find the above, hard to believe that the Gov. both Federal and Provincial is leaving this business person alone, normally he would be sitting an jail for what he is not doing.
    There has to be more to this issue than we are being told.
    Not collecting and paying taxes is very serious in both Gov's. eyes, there have been many instances of this in the newspapers and the outcome was in a lot of cases jail time , or fines equaling the amount of taxes owed, plus the payment of the taxes .

  5. #24
    Has too much time on their hands

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    One of the best speeches I have heard in the House of Commons...

  6. #25
    Has too much time on their hands

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    SO I met with Jean yesterday at the Monthly Libertarian Meeting in Ottawa, and I can assure you he is still not collecting GST/HST/PST while running his business. The feds don't want to deal with the issue of slavery. Very real story and very real facts. They fined him $2000.00 and threatened 6 months in jail...he is waiting for his arrest, and frequently reminds of this, he wants to be arrested so he can appeal to SC again.
    Quote Originally Posted by jaycee View Post
    the above quote -by line 052

    I find the above, hard to believe that the Gov. both Federal and Provincial is leaving this business person alone, normally he would be sitting an jail for what he is not doing.
    There has to be more to this issue than we are being told.
    Not collecting and paying taxes is very serious in both Gov's. eyes, there have been many instances of this in the newspapers and the outcome was in a lot of cases jail time , or fines equaling the amount of taxes owed, plus the payment of the taxes .
    Mark Snow, Leader Of The, Ontario Libertarian Party

  7. #26
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Mark Snow, Leader Of The, Ontario Libertarian Party

  8. #27
    Has too much time on their hands

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    In 1974, Brisson opened his own radiator repair business with the expectation that he would be working for himself. However, in a province burdened by an ever-growing government, there was going to be less of that and more of working for the state. Brisson notes that until 1985, customers had the choice to pay provincial sales tax (PST) at the point of sale or upon government demand whereby the government had to collect the taxes directly from the customers. In 1985, politicians changed the law thereby requiring all businessmen to collect its PST regardless of the will of customers. Brisson realized that this compulsion to collect taxes had effectively made him a slave. He was legally compelled to do physical work on behalf of the state and had no choice about it.

    In 1990, Brisson refused to go along with the immoral laws of compulsory tax collection. He refused to become a slave for the state. His utterly moral action was viewed as a major problem for those who inhabit government offices. After all, tax collection is the lifeblood of all governments – a man fools with it at his peril. Little time elapsed before Brisson was visited by provincial bureaucrats who told him that “it was an obligation by businesspeople to collect taxes in exchange for the ‘privilege’ of running a business.” Imagine the hubris and twisted insanity behind the idea that running a business is a privilege! But, such thinking is common for the socialists who now occupy government offices. No longer does the government view itself as an organization that protects our freedoms. Rather, it now views itself as a slave-driver and micro-manager of everything in our lives, our businesses and our communities (as I mentioned in previous articles here and here). To modern politicians and bureaucrats the ends justify the means even if it requires the reintroduction of mass slavery.

    In 1991, when the Federal Government’s GST was imposed, Brisson decided to treat the GST the same as he had treated the PST: He refused to collect it. The Province of Ontario, the CRA and the GST tax collection department ganged-up on him and attempted to ruin him and his business. They audited him. They put liens on his property and attempted to steal all of his assets. A local judge was found to prefer political expediency over adherence to laws that existed to help victims like Brisson. Provincial politicians asked in the legislature what they were going to do to stop him.

    They even tried to destroy a different person with the same name.

    In spite of all their underhanded efforts to crush Brisson, the state’s politicians, bureaucrats and tax collectors were petrified of Brisson bringing his argument against slavery into the high courts of the land. That is why they fought Brisson in ways that would result in bureaucratic victories rather than legal victories. The state was not interested in the morality of Brisson’s fight. Rather, they favored the petty criminal and bureaucratic methods of toppling him.

    Brisson’s story is a remarkable one. It demonstrates that the state is only as powerful as our willingness to go along with its dictates. If one man’s opposition to immoral law is all that is required to throw the machinery of bureaucracy and dictatorship into a state of turmoil, then image the results of ten, one hundred or one thousand men like Brisson who refuse to go along with the flow. In a society where individual freedom is becoming more of a historical anecdote fit for a museum rather than an intrinsic part of humanity that we actively defend and fight for, the battles of men like Brisson must be told and supported.

    Brisson’s story is not over, though. Nor is the war that wages between the socialists and techno-planners who want to transform society into some sort of bureaucratic Utopian hell and individuals who yearn to be free. In fact, it is the only war worth fighting – all other wars are distractions by comparison.

    To fully appreciate how one man stood fearlessly and courageously in the face of modern-day bureaucratic evil, I would highly recommend that you obtain a copy of Brisson’s book – and pass it on. Of course, you can request that it be purchased at an “ex-tax” price.
    Mark Snow, Leader Of The, Ontario Libertarian Party

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