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Thread: Fed Issue #51 - Compensation cut for elite soldiers if injuries last more than 180 days

  1. #1
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Angry Fed Issue #51 - Compensation cut for elite soldiers if injuries last more than 180 days

    Compensation cut for elite soldiers if injuries last more than 180 days
    Elite soldiers involved in Canada’s most dangerous and secretive military operations could now lose a special monthly allowance if they are sick or injured for more than 180 days, CTV News has learned.

    The Department of National Defence quietly rolled out the policy in September.

    The new rules mean that personnel with the Canadian Special Operations Forces -- many of whom work on top-secret missions across the globe -- will lose the special compensation if illness or injury restricts their duties for more than 180 days.

    Paratroopers, submarine crews, pilots and air crews, rescue technicians and ships’ crews are also among the affected.

    Sources tell CTV News the Department of National Defence is now enforcing the policy, and pay is being clawed back with little warning.

    But those most affected by the controversial policy can't speak publicly because their identities remain secret. Some have told CTV’s Mercedes Stephenson that they're frustrated and don't understand why they are taking a financial hit over temporary injuries.

    You can tell the Libranoes are in power, tax increases for everyone BUT themselves, payout to terrorists, cuts and holds on the military, secret vacations and Cayman accounts for themselves, cash for access, non disclosure and lies ...... **** censored due to the language used to describe Trudeau and the liebrals *********************** and Justlied is apparently in Vietnam (communist etc.) for Remembrance Day .. that f**********oops censored again ************** only idiots and accomplices in his crimes would vote for those f**********oops censored again ************

    This is the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Passchendaele and our PM is in another country and cutting away at the military, deferring purchases and in general being a traitor to Canada's identity and history!
    Last edited by mosquito; November 9th, 2017 at 11:13 AM.

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Has all the answers

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    I wonder if the rich tax games will get shut down.

  4. #3
    Member for Life

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    Turdeau needs the money to make more selfies !!

  5. #4
    Has too much time on their hands

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    So many of the people in this video are ones affected by this .... seems appropriate for Remembrance day.

    "Sounds of Silence"

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