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Thread: Another " Mass Killing "

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon View Post
    Wouldn't a gun in the hands of a mentally ill person being a gun control issue?
    Other than the fact the mentally ill person shouldn't have access brings us back full circle to the issue of mental illness. He could have lobbed in a handful of dynamite sticks taped together with a single short fuse,right?

  2. # ADS

  3. #32
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    I've read snippets of what was posted here, not all, so please excuse me if I'm repeating anything.
    I agree with one of the earlier poster's messages, I've also heard that increase the severity of a punishment
    related to a crime does not necessarily impact whether a person decides to do it or not. It is always done with
    (a) thought that you won't get caught and/or (b) heat of the moment/emotions take over/not thinking straight.

    I agree with the statement that guns don't kill, but people do. If they don't have guns, and they want to kill, they'll find
    another way (cars, homemade devices, nail guns, etc, etc).

    So the question comes down to people. How do you identify and monitor high risk individuals on a frequent enough basis
    (an individual can change in what ... 3 months?)? Is it even possible. We probably will conclude it's not ever going to be 100%

    Because of that some will argue that taking guns off the streets will prevent mass killings. But that then needs to take guns away
    from the other 99.9999% that are law abiding citizens. And then there's the argument that law abiding citizens that are armed can
    actually take down mass killers (such as with the recent unfortunate incident).

    Having said all that, I do hope that the NRA will or can at least demonstrate that they have independently reviewed their rules, and identified
    any areas of potential improvement. They should be opening up dialogue with the general public, and demonstrating that (a) yes guns don't kill, people do, and (b) how the rules attempt to minimize the risk of a gun getting in the hands of crazies. Then at least through legal avenues, they can say they've done their due diligence. As for illegal avenues, that will always exist ... and that's up to the police to figure out, not NRA.

  4. #33
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    Its Texas. Sutherland Springs chief of police suggested that more people should be packing when they go to church. Only in the States would this statement be made!

  5. #34
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    Exactly. I thought that too.

  6. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoePa View Post
    He doesn't - cause he was nuts
    So he was nuts so Diversity?

    So what are your plans to deal with mental illness in white males? Should he have been put in jail for being mentally ill? Should they have kept him from getting a firearm?

  7. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fox View Post
    So he was nuts so Diversity?

    So what are your plans to deal with mental illness in white males? Should he have been put in jail for being mentally ill? Should they have kept him from getting a firearm?
    The fact that this guy was nuts should have been noted in the FBI data base so that he could not legally buy a gun - that being said there is no way that will guarantee someone who is nuts cannot get a gun - there are over 350,000,000 guns in the U.S. - so there are plenty of ways someone can get a gun - people who knew this guy should have let the police know that he was off the charts so that some action could be taken that would at least identify him as a risk and this should also be in the FBI data base - there is no sure way of preventing gun related crimes unless all guns were taken away from everyone - and that ain't gonna happen - so the only thing left is to arm yourself so that if you happen to be at a place where some nut starts shooting you at least have a way of defending yourself and others - that's just the way things are now-a-days - it wasn't always like that - as I have previously mentioned - society is going down the tubes

    You got to be ready to meet your maker because you never know if this may be your last day - every time you step into you car you got to realize that thousands die or get severely injured every year and you never know if you will or will not be one of them - you can only do so much to protect yourself - me, I drive a big pickup and carry a .38 special -

  8. #37
    Has too much time on their hands

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    I am so thankful I do not live in the U.S.A

  9. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by sawbill View Post
    Its Texas. Sutherland Springs chief of police suggested that more people should be packing when they go to church. Only in the States would this statement be made!
    Now Michigan has tabled a law allowing concealed carry in formally “no gun carry” zones !!!! What could possibly go wrong ????

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