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Thread: Outdoor security camera info needed

  1. #11
    Elite Member

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    Frati my young neighbour is a big time tech nerd and he paid around 3 or 4 bills I think for a package that included 4 cameras and a hard drive to record events. I don't know much about the specific one he got but for sure no internet is needed, but likely he can access it on his smart phone if he wanted to as it will have either a static IP address or accessed by it's mac address. He seems plenty happy enough with it so I assume the picture quality is good enough.
    If you like I can check with him and get more info.


  2. # ADS

  3. #12
    Has all the answers

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    It's called hikvision. I'm no expert but I know there's a million cheap network cameras out there. From what I understand, the software licence is the part that costs, as well as the installation.

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