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Thread: Camp water pump

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default Camp water pump

    The lake my camp is on is high in iron. At the end of each season the inside of the pump head on my Honda water pump is caked with chunks of scale. The first year I stored my pump the head actually seized even after flushing the insides with fresh water.
    This year I planned on buying some CLR and soak the insides with that but reading the label on this stuff shows no mention of iron deposits.
    You guys any ideas on how to clean the insides properly or will CLR work??

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Borderline Spammer

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    CLR is pretty good stuff, use it at work all the time and it cleans most everything off our water testing equipment. Not 100% sure on Iron but I think it'll do the trick. Good Luck!!
    "No one's interested in something you didn't do"

  4. #3
    Elite Member

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    Their website FAQ says not to use it on cast iron.


  5. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by smitty55 View Post
    Their website FAQ says not to use it on cast iron.

    Because it will dissolve/degrade iron
    That is the effect that Sawbill wants to clean it out
    Assuming the metal parts of pumping mechanism are aluminum

  6. #5
    Elite Member

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    It also says not to use on aluminum and not to leave it for more than 2 minutes on anything. Also make sure to rinse very thoroughly to neutralize the acid.

    There is an auto product called IronX that may work. It's acid free and made for removing iron from paint and wheels.


  7. #6
    Has too much time on their hands

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    CLR will remove iron and possible some of the pump metal as well. It may also damage the shaft seals. It will take longer but you are probably better off using a solution of sodium sulphite and/or sodium bisulphite. This is the active ingredient in products like "Iron Out." Don't do this indoors as the sulphite needs good ventilation - windy day is good.
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  8. #7

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    Use white vinegar. I flush out my water on demand unit twice a year with it. I run it through the unit for about 45 minutes and it cleans it like new.

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