October 7th, 2017, 08:27 AM
Has too much time on their hands
Originally Posted by
Puc911 - when I refer to God I am referring to Jesus Christ - he taught us to love one another - to do unto to others what we would have them do to us - He taught us a way of life that would give us a good meaningful life and a reward in the after life - He never told us to kill each other - sure there have been times when people killed others in the name of god but they were in no way following His teaching - men must have a change of heart and only then will these senseless killings go away - unfortunately that is not going to happen so we live with what we sow - religion itself is not the answer - its a personal relationship with Jesus that makes the change - Amen -
I agree completely but a person has to be willing to open their heart and mind and actually look. It takes time and those willing to preach, teach and stay the course and where they have come up the impact can be huge but most don't want to and will never take the time to look. After all it takes a real effort and most prefer to be told what to think anymore. Josh McDowell and Lee Strobel both started out writing books , no short weekend effort, and talk about how long it took, even Christopher Hitchen's brother Peter has written about his transition from atheism to faith. Then there are the exception like Alister McGrath that writes about how it was biology and the cell that made him start his search. To paraphrase there are a million ways to walk to the door and open it to the One that knocks. They like and are comfortable in not knowing but that said we still need be prepared to give an answer but until they are interested in listening to the knocking their eyes and ears are covered and you will just give them an excuse to rant.
Originally Posted by
Joe, there are many more religious people in the States that in Canada, and yet we don't seem to have anywhere near the same level of gun violence.
There is also a much larger gang and organized crime problem, I covered it earlier about how 80% of the violence and crime statistics can be attributed to that.
Once the cities like Chicago (which has the worst gang problem, the most gun control laws) are taken out their number drops significantly in the per 100,000 and even with those included there are quite a few countries (often with strong gun control laws) that are far worse off. The gang culture needs to be addressed and where there have been successes there are drops in crime but there also needs to be police enforcing the laws and protecting. They have huge issues groups of racists marching calling for dead cops, political correctness not allowing them to profile etc. Even in the UK you see the impact of that...
He added: “Knife crime is up because police have been told to cut stop and search. That means members of the public who are carrying knives are not being found as much, and they’re using those weapons. It really is that simple.”
The ONS said overall crime recorded by the police rose by six per cent in the year to September, including a 27 per cent jump in violence against the person.
It isn't the grandma (regardless of colour) they are stopping, yet the police aren't supposed to use profiling but it is a useful tool in reality. Some call it racist but the reality is that some races (due to culture, especially the gang culture) are more proned to having "problematic" individuals. Those groups need both enforcement and help.
Ex. in Canada
** I think for real change accountability and ending the Indian act would be needed and do you think any politician will attack that and those getting the $10B/year in welfare??? Canada has so many special classes of people and the Liberal's seem to actually be using that, just look at Justlied Trudeau himself, in listing provinces he misses Alberta (and sabotages Energy East... more Saudi oil for years) and then there is this ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oA1yCIHMJwY
There needs to be:
1) alternatives to gangs
2) hope and education
3) police enforcement, presence and yes intimidation (that if they do the crime they do the time) not the current do the crime and laugh at the police. ** if a policeman just hears idiots ranting about dead police etc. do you think he is motivated to protect that community???
4) courts willing to put the criminal in jail for reasonable times and apply real sentences (I think the reimbursement plan some talk about should be implemented where they are forced to pay back the victims if possible should also be looked at)
Last edited by mosquito; October 7th, 2017 at 08:48 AM.
October 7th, 2017 08:27 AM
October 7th, 2017, 02:42 PM
Las Vegas Mass Killing
If the only thing preventing someone from committing one of these tragic acts is their fear of going to hell, that's pretty f***ing sad.
When children are raised, should they be taught that they should be helping people because if they don't they will go to hell as punishment? Should they be taught to help others because if they do they will be rewarded with heaven?
Do you teach your kids to do good for rewards? Too not do bad in fear of punishment!?
No. We teach our children to do good and help others because it is the RIGHT THING TO DO.
I do not need god to teach me what is right and wrong. I do not need him to guide me to not commit horrific acts.
I have my own moral compass, which has been given to me by a proper upbringing, from caring parents, friends and family.
Not god.
October 7th, 2017, 04:44 PM
We are all products of our environment.....Good or bad, the people, places and things in our life have helped shape who we are.
We only know what we know because we have been exposed to it.
"Everything is easy when you know how"
"Meat is not grown in stores"
October 7th, 2017, 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by
If the only thing preventing someone from committing one of these tragic acts is their fear of going to hell, that's pretty f***ing sad.
When children are raised, should they be taught that they should be helping people because if they don't they will go to hell as punishment? Should they be taught to help others because if they do they will be rewarded with heaven?
Do you teach your kids to do good for rewards? Too not do bad in fear of punishment!?
No. We teach our children to do good and help others because it is the RIGHT THING TO DO.
I do not need god to teach me what is right and wrong. I do not need him to guide me to not commit horrific acts.
I have my own moral compass, which has been given to me by a proper upbringing, from caring parents, friends and family.
Not god.
So did Paddock.
That is part of the supporting reason, that there IS a better, higher, purer reference point for mankind to benchmark against, strive to be like. Not simply left to the randomness of an individuals "upbringing".
If one chooses to ignore their salvation that is 100% your choice under God's free will of man. EVERYONE gets to make that choice, if they live long enough to accept or reject Jesus Christ.
Where did your parents get their morals, and so on? God wrote the law on the hearts of AJJ men, some choose to abide by it, some don't and some credit other things.
Besides, striving to be Christ like is a bad thing in your opinion? Yet YOU claim you were raised right?
Last edited by skypilot; October 7th, 2017 at 05:55 PM.
October 7th, 2017, 06:27 PM
Has too much time on their hands
Originally Posted by
So did Paddock.
That is part of the supporting reason, that there IS a better, higher, purer reference point for mankind to benchmark against, strive to be like. Not simply left to the randomness of an individuals "upbringing".
If one chooses to ignore their salvation that is 100% your choice under God's free will of man. EVERYONE gets to make that choice, if they live long enough to accept or reject Jesus Christ.
Where did your parents get their morals, and so on? God wrote the law on the hearts of AJJ men, some choose to abide by it, some don't and some credit other things.
Besides, striving to be Christ like is a bad thing in your opinion? Yet YOU claim you were raised right?
When the first thing a person does when you mention God is they go on about hell you can usually tell two things, after all Hell is for the Satan and the rejects so 1 somewhere they know if there is a God they are a reject but don't want to change their priorities and 2 they know little about what being a Christian is like. I once explained it as being like having a father that knows how and what you did and when you ask for forgiveness and mean it He actually does and having a family that consists of quite a mix. I used some examples from my Church of two people that share my first and middle names (6'4" Thor replacement, 5'5" African...) and a few others as being the brothers (and I mentioned some sisters too) that you may not get along with all the time but they are still part of that family.
** Off topic warning: Hey did anyone see the Mully film?
Now Now... let's get back to the shooting, we can see throughout history those that had what they thought was the right morals for them ... the National Socialists in Germany for example, they are the same as we see in ANTIFA in their views on violence, power etc. I am sure those in the gangs feel they are doing what is right for them too ... so in a way we do get back to what is the basis for their morals. An interesting anime I saw, he was visiting a town were murder wasn't against the law... a murder came to town to kill someone thinking it would be no problem, the second he pulled out his gun to kill his victim everyone in town pulled their gun, knife etc. and killed him on the spot, murder wasn't illegal it but it also wasn't permitted was what the mayor explained to the almost victim. It was an interesting play on the morality of cultures, societies and even groups... but what are they basing it on? How do you bring them into alignment with "the town"? How do you enforce that morality (laws, courts, jail???) ... alot of questions there that except for a few dedicated groups there is little effort to make a real change it seems given Chicago as an example. Other than BAN IT ALL GUN, KNIFE, BAT.... or make more laws that are already ignored.... ???? anything????
October 7th, 2017, 07:44 PM
Back on topic again....No doubt the shooter was 100 percent bent on killing and I suspect he cared not whom it was.
The "cryptic" note they found will be his drop tables for his firearm. Likely distance, elevation and drop @ those numbers so he could maximize carnage.
Just a psychopath with a big hole in his soul, no empathy. Very odd they are 6 days in and no motive or not one they can release.
October 8th, 2017, 11:58 PM
Look up, way up, 13 billion light years away.
And tell me that the creator of of everything decided to reveal itself on our planet, in Isreal.
What a pile of BVLL$h!T
middle eastern fairy tales.jpg
October 9th, 2017, 09:17 AM
Look in a mirror, deep, deep into a mirror and realize that you believe you came from a monkey, I'd say you're correct, considering your posts here.
October 9th, 2017, 10:14 AM
Has too much time on their hands
Originally Posted by
Look up, way up, 13 billion light years away.
And tell me that the creator of of everything decided to reveal itself on our planet, in Isreal.
What a pile of BVLL$h!T
middle eastern fairy tales.jpg
Hmmm.... based on what evidence are you making your claim?
Written originally 3,500 years ago those Israel texts say ....
"If I had no other data than the early chapters of Genesis, some of the Psalms and other passages of Scripture, I would have arrived at essentially the same picture of the origin of the universe, as is indicated by the scientific data." Nobel Prize-winning physicist Arno Penzias (Big Bang Theorist)
or maybe just life itself.... after all it was the Oxford PHd in molecular biophysics Alister McGrath that the cell convinced him to look and even become a Christian writer and speaker ... his books, Francis Collins (head of the Human Genome project or John Polkinhorne are good if you are scientifically minded IF you want to look, or Josh McDowell or Lee Strobel if you aren't as scientifically minded) ... or there is the implications of this old quote
"The principle of [divine] purpose ... stares the biologist in the face wherever he looks ... . The probability for such an event as the origin of DNA molecules to have occurred by sheer chance is just too small to be seriously considered ... ."Ernst Boris Chain - Nobel Prize in medicine
Actually never mind answering , if you are comfortable with the idea that the universe popped out of nothing, cell membranes, DNA, RNA, protein synthesis all happened by chance or are just too lazy to search then live with it and let's stay on topic not be insulting. Hmmph ... from goo to you by way of the zoo if you like.
ANYWAY... back on topic.
They are now talking on some media outlets about his cruises to the middle east ... they are stretching for stories and not getting answers and nothing on that note.
Last edited by mosquito; October 9th, 2017 at 10:28 AM.
October 10th, 2017, 06:23 PM
Well, as soon as religion gets into a topic, things go south.
Enough complaints have been received about this so.............SLAM!!!!!