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Thread: Seems Mr. Duffy is looking for some compensation

  1. #11
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dythbringer View Post
    First, talk about the topic at hand. This is about Duffy. Not Trudeau, not Harb, not Cannis, not Sgro, not Levin, not Butts. Stop trying to muddy the water.

    Duffy was acquitted of criminal charges. He still should have known better. His signature is on the documents which started this storm. He was the one who stated his residence was in PEI. He was the one who signed off on the expenses. The senate audit rejected his expense claims and told him to repay it and he couldn't. The PMO offered a plan to repay the expenses. At the time, he didn't balk at the plan, he didn't say the plan was wrong, he didn't say the PMO's pressure to take the deal was wrong, he didn't do anything which shows he was an innocent white lamb in this process that he now claims to be. No one ever put a gun to his head and forced him into anything he did. The rules he claims are so fuzzy aren't abused by the majority of the senate so why did he? He claims the PMO pressured him. Last I checked the PMO has never, ever had the power to make people do something they don't want to do. He may not have done something criminal but he sure isn't the white flower he wants everyone to believe he is.

    Not muddying it, pointing out that Duffy a small time offender compared to others.... but the Trudeau comment about the easily impressed was throwing mud ... me bad.

    We have seen Liberal's being paid 2X the pay scale, Butt's expenses for moving ,all way more than Duffy and the list of those sent to the RCMP below. The Gravy train in Ottawa is ridiculous, the Liberal's being the worst and we see them in coverups, pay for access repeatedly and spreading it too like making reserves and unions not required to do disclosure anymore... it seems that politicians think they are entitled to their entitlements times three!

    Duffy was an idiot for expenses, then an idiot for the way it was handled and the PM made a stupid mistake letting Wright and an idiot handle the problem of paying it back, which they did but for such a small amount it was a disaster for Canada! $80,000 and the media can't shut up, $800,000,000,000 and it is one week they ignored .... idiots or saboteurs .... I just can't decide!
    Mac Harb: The retired former Liberal senator appointed by Jean Chretien is awaiting trial on charges of fraud and breach of trust in connection with expenses he charged while in office.

    Expense claims sent to RCMP

    Rod Zimmer: A Liberal senator from Manitoba 2005-2013, the former Liberal fundraiser was appointed by Paul Martin. Questioned expenses of $176,014 have been referred to the RCMP.

    Pierre Hugues Boisvenu: A prominent victim's rights activist, he was named a Conservative senator from Quebec by Harper in 2010. Questioned expenses of $61,076 have been referred to the RCMP.

    Rose-Marie Losier-Cool: A Liberal senator from New Brunswick 1995-2012, the prominent member of the Acadian community was appointed by Jean Chretien. Questioned expenses of $110,051 have been referred to the RCMP.

    Colin Kenny: A Liberal senator from Ontario since 1984, the former Liberal policy adviser was appointed by Pierre Trudeau. Questioned expenses of $35,549 have been referred to the RCMP.

    Sharon Carstairs: A Liberal senator from Manitoba 1994-2011, the former Manitoba Liberal leader was appointed by Jean Chretien. Questioned expenses of $7,528 have been referred to the RCMP.

    Marie-P. Charette-Poulin: A Liberal senator from Ontario 1995-2015, the former broadcasting executive was appointed by Jean Chretien. Questioned expenses of $5,606 have been referred to the RCMP. She has repaid $5,606.

    Donald Oliver: A Conservative senator from Nova Scotia 1990-2013, the former developer and lawyer was appointed by Brian Mulroney. Disputed expenses of $48,088 have been referred to the RCMP. Oliver has repaid $23,395.

    Bill Rompkey: A Liberal senator from Newfoundland and Labrador 1995-2011, the former Liberal MP was appointed by Jean Chretien. Questioned expenses of $17,292 have been referred to the RCMP.

    Gerry St. Germain: A Conservative senator from British Columbia 1993-2012, the former air force officer and MP was appointed by Brian Mulroney. Questioned expenses of $67,588 have been referred to the RCMP.

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
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    Duffy was too happy to plow his snout into the pig trough, but make no mistake its a crowded place.
    I’m suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog who doesn't like a person.

  4. #13
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Here is the trouble. He was found not guilty of a criminal offence so was his termination/suspension justified - that's the question. Likely not from the courts view.

    We can believe whatever we want about him and I am not a fan but the taxpayer is going to pay large for this one.

    He will get a major settlement in his favour simply because the judge saw nothing criminal with his actions so basically he screwed up his expenses. He essentially was exhonorated of the criminal element which means the judge believed him....

    That means the folks who leveraged the criminal element against him in order to get him gone are now holding the bag for the consequences of this finding. In the end we will pay.
    Last edited by Big Jack; August 28th, 2017 at 12:58 PM.

  5. #14
    Has all the answers

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    Can you blame him? Everyone seems to be getting pockets lined. Why not him? Omar gets 10 mil. At least Duffy served his country.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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