June 7th, 2017, 08:47 PM
Has too much time on their hands
Fed PC Issue #1 - only 1 MP stands up against Paris boondogle....
Well Scheer let me down .... it wasn't a real vote or law just a posturing by the Libs but Scheer got most of the Conservatives to vote for the Paris boondoggle.... hopefully the same virus that has infected Patrick Brown isn't spreading to the feds...
Cheryl Gallant Was The Only MP To Vote Against Paris Agreement Motion
June 7th, 2017 08:47 PM
June 8th, 2017, 06:24 AM
I'll have you notice that Harper agreed to the same targets set out in the Paris accord. And Scheer opposes a carbon tax.
June 8th, 2017, 07:19 AM
Has too much time on their hands
It is all politics but that vote was more a trap by the Libs to say they are all little Trumps (which is way better than little Trudeaus I would say). Right now I would say even the Lib lites in the Conservative party are way better than the best of the Libs, but now given some thought I am not sure how I would have played it. Free vote .... then those that opposed it would be instant media target, vote as a block for or against .... didn't matter the Libs had enough seats to pass anything they want ... and they are. Given some thought and where the Canadian media is aligned he may have just saved himself a weak spot for attack and an association with Trump... he may have also have ticked off support... but they wouldn't vote Liberal or NDP so it may have been a good move.
Ratifying that piece of **** and setting targets are two different things. One you are trying to accomplish something and the other you are getting scre***!
I would have loved to see them vote against it but given some thought that posturing by the Libs isn't a fight worth effort.
Last edited by mosquito; June 8th, 2017 at 07:22 AM.
June 8th, 2017, 08:11 AM
Of course the Conservatives would go with the Paris Accord - what this really means is the Carbon Tax within Canada. They stand to benefit from the Carbon tax if they come to power. This is what I expected from the Conservatives all along. This expectation is what I had formed from the Harper government...
And if the PCs come to power, my money is on Sheerer (and others who opposed it in the PC party in the past) changing face in regards to Carbon Tax and pushing it forward.
They're all phony.
June 8th, 2017, 09:06 AM
Has too much time on their hands
Originally Posted by
Of course the Conservatives would go with the Paris Accord - what this really means is the Carbon Tax within Canada. They stand to benefit from the Carbon tax if they come to power. This is what I expected from the Conservatives all along. This expectation is what I had formed from the Harper government...
And if the PCs come to power, my money is on Sheerer (and others who opposed it in the PC party in the past) changing face in regards to Carbon Tax and pushing it forward.
They're all phony.
No, not even close. Look at Harper and Trudeau,
reduced MP's pension including his own
cut taxes to the sum of billions
made union and Indigenous chiefs accountable and required disclosure
told the truth about spending and budgets.
Required house to be upgraded, two taxpayer funded nannies and took 10 vacations last year
Increased taxes and is adding Carbon tax ... billions out of people's pockets
made union and Indigenous chiefs NOT accountable and NOT required disclosure
Lied about Conservative policies, their budgets and spending before and after election.
I could go on and on...
There is a world of difference!
Now back to topic ..... Ezra Levant having some fun with a new green project... prepare for palm to head on Gov't spending.
Last edited by mosquito; June 8th, 2017 at 09:16 AM.
June 8th, 2017, 03:04 PM
Here's an Idea....lets give up our energy sovereignty to the U.N. with no prior legislative process, transfer wealth to other nations while they continue their status quo and then burden private sectors while allowing corporate sectors proxy representation in order to protect their interest.
Oh, and then "fine" the naive countries billions, punish and tax their economy, then revisit the abortion all over again in 5 year intervals............
Damn, what a deal..............
June 8th, 2017, 10:16 PM
Has too much time on their hands
Originally Posted by
Here's an Idea....lets give up our energy sovereignty to the U.N. with no prior legislative process, transfer wealth to other nations while they continue their status quo and then burden private sectors while allowing corporate sectors proxy representation in order to protect their interest.
Oh, and then "fine" the naive countries billions, punish and tax their economy, then revisit the abortion all over again in 5 year intervals............
Damn, what a deal..............
Canada sent 383 people to the UN climate conference, more than Australia, the U.K. and U.S. together
That about sums it up ... though I wonder if they will make 500 next gold plated junket?
June 9th, 2017, 09:25 AM
I am all for being a good steward of the planet.
However, I am not in favor of junk science geared toward obtaining grant funding and providing seemingly legitimate ways for the government to pizz more money away on carbon tax BS and underhanded backdoor schemes to fund third world banana republics.