June 5th, 2017, 10:41 AM
June 5th, 2017 10:41 AM
June 5th, 2017, 01:52 PM
Just got my notice in the mail. Good grief, you'd think that the current govt would try and at least hold off while they're under fire for just this issue.
"Camo" is perfectly acceptable as a favorite colour.
Proud member - Delta Waterfowl, CSSA, and OFAH
June 6th, 2017, 06:22 AM
Has too much time on their hands
Mark Snow, Leader Of The, Ontario Libertarian Party
June 6th, 2017, 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by
I find it a problem with the first part of the name , " LIBER ", it just makes me shudder.
Please do not Hi jack this thread, lets talk about Hydro.
June 6th, 2017, 12:51 PM
I lean towards private as most of my experience was in the US market and rates were reasonable/low AND almost everywhere I personally used electricity was a co-op where money was returned to the individual consumer.
Very strange that we(US) routinely and frequently had huge distribution AND transmission costs from hurricanes yet had cheap electricity yet Ontario has few weather issues and the consumer costs are outrageous. Our "Ontario" is Hawaii, but it's obvious why Hawaii electricity is highest.
My only Government Owned Electrical experience has been in Ontario and it should be criminal how they charge. I blame the libs. The Libs can't cut out coal, depend mostly on NatGas and Nukes, get stupid with Green and then add a carbon tax and expect hydro to be affordable.....to anyone residential or commercial which then causes even further issues.
Last edited by skypilot; June 6th, 2017 at 12:53 PM.
June 7th, 2017, 08:44 AM
Has too much time on their hands
Hi Jaycee,
Here is what we will do to fix the hydro situation
This is probably the greatest problem plaguing Ontario residents and businesses. Surprisingly, it is also the easiest to fix. This is a relatively recent problem, and is the direct result of Government policy. By changing the policy, the situation immediately changes. Hydro rates in Ontario can return to normal and competitive levels in just a year or two.
Our theme for Hydro Rates is "Cut your hydro bill in half".
At present, Ontario customers pay about twice as much for electricity as customers in QC and MB. This is destroying the Ontario economy.
The Ontario Libertarian Party will cut your Hydro bill in half!
Here's how:
•repeal the Green Energy Act
•eliminate time of use billing
•end discriminatory delivery charges crushing rural residents
•remove all subsidized power from the grid
•terminate for convenience all subsidized generation contracts
•transfer off the Hydro books all termination costs including past gas plant termination costs. Hydro customers will not be made to pay for the Government boondoggles.
•terminate all Liberal Government appointees from all boards and electricity related entities
Originally Posted by
I find it a problem with the first part of the name , " LIBER ", it just makes me shudder.
Please do not Hi jack this thread, lets talk about Hydro.
Mark Snow, Leader Of The, Ontario Libertarian Party
June 7th, 2017, 05:40 PM
All the above , sound good " but I doubt very much that it will lower the cost of electricity by much.
Don't forget , the cost of our electricity is governed by the cost of the outrageously high salaries that are payed to the executives, and the regular employees, It was in the news not that long ago , that the head of On. Hydro gets over 4 million in salary which includes his benefits, shares etc, also I believe it was stated that there are over 12 thousand employees that are on the sunshine list, this is absolutely unbelievable.
Too many years of mismanagement, fired executives receiving huge payouts for screwing things up then getting fired and receiving pensions in the millions , this is where the costs of running on. hydro have just completely gone out of control.
You would have to start by cutting back on these outrageous salaries and payouts, but you and I/we all know this won't happen as you would have a revolution on your hands from hydro employees.
Your party has pie in the sky dreams, good luck , but it won't happen.
June 7th, 2017, 06:33 PM
Has too much time on their hands
The green energy act is a outrage .Ontario did not need the extra clean power let alone at a price 5 times higher then conventional power. Most people convert to green energy to save money. Not the liberal government
June 7th, 2017, 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by
All the above , sound good " but I doubt very much that it will lower the cost of electricity by much.
Don't forget , the cost of our electricity is governed by the cost of the outrageously high salaries that are payed to the executives, and the regular employees, It was in the news not that long ago , that the head of On. Hydro gets over 4 million in salary which includes his benefits, shares etc, also I believe it was stated that there are over 12 thousand employees that are on the sunshine list, this is absolutely unbelievable.
Too many years of mismanagement, fired executives receiving huge payouts for screwing things up then getting fired and receiving pensions in the millions , this is where the costs of running on. hydro have just completely gone out of control.
You would have to start by cutting back on these outrageous salaries and payouts, but you and I/we all know this won't happen as you would have a revolution on your hands from hydro employees.
Your party has pie in the sky dreams, good luck , but it won't happen.
Not to mention the costs to cancel all the contracts the Libranos have signed.....remember the ."gas plants" . This corrupt bunch has screwed things up so bad, no new party will be able to fix it...