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Thread: NFA uses stolen CPC membership list

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default NFA uses stolen CPC membership list

    According to articles in The Star,Globe and Global TV ,the entire CPC membership list has been used by the NFA for a fund raising/membership drive and the CPC is absolutely livid. Thousands of letters arrived at CPC members homes this past week causing many people to question where the NFA got the list. The Conservative Party of Canada statements clearly demand the NFA "cease and desist,forthwith" or face legal action,possibly charges under The Elections Act. This leaves the NFA in a very precarious position of defending charges of theft and unethical conduct adding to a long litany of PR missteps over the last few years. Something this serious could spell the end of the NFA.

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Talk about a stupid move, firearm owners, the right etc has to be 10X cleaner than the fiction writers at the Star and the Liberal party to get by in this skewed media world. We have to realize the media chooses what we are told and they will spin HOW we are told and choose to tell us 100X over that Duffy was worse than Mac Harb (even though Harb took over 3X the invalid expenses... I wonder if it was paid back??) .... interesting the coincidence that Harb's charges were dropped once the Liberals were in power for awhile ....

    The fact the Conservative leadership is taking disciplinary action is good,

    The fact the same list was used for polling ... that won't bother most but anti-firearm ownership (even in Conservative party) will have a fit it seems....

    but look the media will barely cover things like Ontario Liberal's funneling millions to unions.

    or the Justlied Liberal's Cash for Access, foreign funding during the election, billions to other countries for every whim, Monsef's immigration fraud etc. etc. they were quickly briefly covered and quickly shut up about. Elbowgate, admiration for China,election lies etc. were blips that hardly warranted any media attention even though millions (billions in the case of election promises ... remember this ) were involved...

    I bet we will be hearing this story weeks if not months from now, CPC, NFA etc. have to be 10X cleaner and in this case someone failed and ballot counts for Berneir and the Ontario Conservatives doing stunts like the Liberals now in ballots....

    Let's hope that Brown is gone soon and Scheer fixes the chaos and makes sure the integrity is there so we can Wynne whine and Justlied back into a drama teacher.

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