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Thread: Fed Issue #35 - another violation of ethics by Liberals .... and even CBC is covering it.

  1. #1
    Has too much time on their hands

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    2186 Getting Ready To Puke Fed Issue #35 - another violation of ethics by Liberals .... and even CBC is covering it.
    Trudeau violated conflict guidelines amid KPMG probe, ethics advocacy group says

    Accounting firm exec picked to oversee party finances shortly after inquiry into offshore tax scheme ended

    "Last year Liberal MPs voted to kill the investigation into KPMG, that same month a director from KPMG was appointed treasurer for the Liberal Party," Mulcair said in question period Tuesday. "Ending the KPMG investigation and then hiring somebody from KPMG — that's called a conflict of interest."

    "The prime minister has some control over that committee and those Liberal MPs and has a representative from cabinet sitting on that committee," Conacher said. "The prime minister cannot be sitting on a board with a representative of a company that that committee is investigating. It's a clear conflict of interest."

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Just starting out

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    Th previous Liberal treasurer has done well. He is up over 5 million in his marijuana venture. Seems to be a fast track position to wealth.

  4. #3
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Justin won't answer questions about ethics .... even though he was asked 18 times and he even skipped this weeks question period.

    All while the Libs are in charge of finding a new ethics commissioner ...

    Both the Conservatives and the NDP are calling on government House leader Bardish Chagger to recuse herself from the hiring of the next ethics commissioner, just days after Justin Trudeau bowed to opposition pressure and removed himself from the hiring process.

    Trudeau stepped back on Monday, citing the ongoing investigation by the ethics commissioner into his Christmas vacation on the private island of the billionaire Ismaili Muslim leader, the Aga Khan.

    NDP ethics critic Nathan Cullen says that leaving a Liberal cabinet minister in charge of the hiring process, when several Liberal ministers have been investigated for alleged ethical violations, means that whomever they hire won’t have the credibility to do the job properly.
    The prime minister has designated the leader of the government in the House of Commons, Minister Bardish Chagger, to fulfil any relevant obligations in relation to the appointment process for the conflict of interest and ethics commissioner,” said Ahmad.

    Both Bergen and Cullen say choosing Chagger to take over is particularly problematic given that she has been defending Trudeau’s ethical conduct in the House day after day.

    Unbelievable ..... the reality of Trudeau makes the worst rhetoric and posturing of Harper look like comparing the beat cop accepting a lunch instead of giving a ticket to the head of the mafia .... Harper/Duffy are on the scale of a burger and fries as compared say Bernie Madoff and his ponzie scheme .... the Libranoes are in power now!
    Last edited by mosquito; May 18th, 2017 at 10:20 PM.

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