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Thread: On Issue #16 - Union to sue Ontario government over Hydro One sell-off

  1. #11
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Selling off Hydro One .... at a discount!
    Each stock will be sold at $23.25 for total gross proceeds of $2.79 billion.

    BMO Investorline:
    Previous Close: 24.03

    Now thanks to the Libs.

    Last: 22.93 C
    Change: -1.10 4.578 %
    Volume: 404,935

    They will now own less than 50%.... and somehow think they are still in control.... proof again in economics Libs have no clue!
    Dividend Yield: 3.815

    If the stock goes down the Yield % will go up so it might be getting 4% if you buy at 23 and the stock has projections up to $28 and is ranked OUTPERFORM by many.
    Given the nice fat dividend it might be a buying opportunity though. It pays over a 3% dividend.
    Last edited by mosquito; May 9th, 2017 at 08:46 AM.

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
    Member for Life

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    Let's recall from memory.....seems she bought OPG and Hydro one Union votes with a 111 million "loan" to buy Hydro One stock and to secure her sale of Hydro One....oooppps

    She gave First Nations 268 million to buy discounted shares of Hydro One stock for an instant 122.5 million profit in order to secure their vote....but that didn't help the 50 million lost in interest due to Six Nations stopping the cheap electricity/transmission line installed from the US to Ontario(almost).

    Now the Prov. thieves are turning on one another?

    There really is a Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown..........
    Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na hey hey GOODBYE.

  4. #13
    Has too much time on their hands

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    How your hydro bill will rise over the next decade.... or what the Libs are doing to the future!
    Leaked cabinet document suggests steepest rise in electricity prices will come in the 2020s, so ... do you think ANYONE will invest in the future here?

    Six pages marked "Confidential Cabinet Document" were obtained by the Progressive Conservatives and provided to the media on Thursday. They give details of a policy option that would "meet a targeted 25 per cent reduction" off hydro bills.

    Hydro rates to drop 17%, but Ontarians will pay for it later
    Ontario Liberals hope hydro plan will douse voter anger

    The document shows projections for the average monthly hydro bill (tax included) that drop from $158 last year to $123 this year.

    The bigger jumps in prices start in 2022, when the government's promise to keep rate increases below inflation expires. Bills are forecast to rise from $133/month in 2021 to $215/month in 2028, an increase of 61 per cent in seven years.

  5. #14
    Member for Life

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    Let's see, Moodys has downgraded for the second time in 4 years(not to mention Barclays UK), the 6 major Canadian Banks credit rating because of their high consumer loan debt.
    Home Capital Mortgage had a consumer bank run due to mortgage loan practices and lack of consumer confidence.
    Hydro cost are stupidly high and there is a housing bubble solely supported by speculation and foreign money, not to mention all the millions that Russian criminal organizations laundered thru Canada's banks........
    Notice the rise is costs from the carbon tax BS on everything?
    Last figures claim Canadian debt is 185% of GDP, up from 165%
    The loonie is taking a beating, partly due to oil pricing, the major players have sold all their assets in Alberta Oil Sands and OPEC(as usual) may be lying about controlling oil surpluses which could further depress oil pricing and thus the loonie.

    In addition, the Permian basin (the size of New Brunswick)inside Texas, has increased production/drilling from this time in March from 789 drill rigs to 885 drill rigs, further increasing the surplus of oil every time the price rises, which isn't helping Canadian oil sands export pricing which in turn further suppresses the loonie.

    Given the above, I doubt even a liberal would be stupid enough to invest in Ontario.
    Last edited by skypilot; May 14th, 2017 at 04:30 PM.

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