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Thread: No Water In The Dams on the Ottawa River!

  1. #1
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Default No Water In The Dams on the Ottawa River!

    For the 10th year ,at least ,in a row there's no water in the reservoir on the Ottawa River 100km upstream of Ottawa/Gatineau. Every spring they discharge and hold no water back until late May or early June. Nobody seems to be able to convince Ontario Hydro to change this poor management policy. I feel for the people flooded in Pembroke and down the valley to Montreal.
    This is a picture of my local boat launch in Stonecliffe Ontario. Can't launch until June again!

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Elite Member

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    Maybe you should point that out to the CTV news in Ottawa as they've been covering the flooding extensively. Maybe they can shame them into changing this stupid policy.


  4. #3
    Member for Life

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    Wow, what's the rational? Seems odd considering all other water levels are really high
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  5. #4
    Needs a new keyboard

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    You're right Smitty. I took your advise. This year because of the flooding they might find someone actually takes a closer look.

  6. #5
    Member for Life

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    A few of the conservation authorities, also let out water from their dams at this time of year, the reason being is that it will leave room in the dams for holding back water for future rains and this will then allow the people to use the lakes in the summer without worrying about low water levels , and to also have enough water to be able to keep the river levels up downstream.

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