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Thread: Fed Issue #32 - today's budget and taxes going up again.

  1. #21
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Yawn.... enough of this thread, can't argue when the evidence won't convince em.... I guess JBen is smarter than the writer of the article from the Fraser Institute .... the article is older but the population and taxation rates if anything have gotten worse for the GTA and the TFSA stats are the CRA so ..... no point in my arguing with what you are saying ... I get it, he doesn't like to see other saving on their taxes and in their savings .... as for me I want to see the lower income be able save, which the TFSA lets them and the transit tax credit did too ... here I give links to people like the Fraser Institute's

    Mark Mullins is the Director of Ontario Policy Studies at the Fraser Institute in Toronto and
    is a columnist with has a doctorate in economics from the London School of Economics and
    was formerly a chief economist in the financial markets and a public policy consultant.

    ... and he provide's a link on Wynne worry about her election chances and with $300,000,000,000 in debt and rising in Ontario with the debt payments alone each year exceeding $10,000,000,000 ... her chances are almost non existent unless CBC works super hard for her again (using paraphrase of her words after the win).

    Oh it is interesting to see which counties voted for Trump too....

    As for Montreal, it shot itself in the foot with a bazooka with Bill 101 and no business is going to look at it first anymore, Montreal's greatest benefactor right now is in Toronto at Queen's Park and has the last name Wynne.

    For those actually interested in Municipalities and taxes etc. items like the amount of property taxes, Federal Gas tax benefits etc. the Association of Ontario Municipalities has out a what's next document...

    Some of it like this is interesting... but it was before the Lib's started dumping tens of thousands more into Canada.

    Excerpt from the Ministry of Finance’s 2010 Report: Ontario’s Long-Term
    Report on the Economy
    The GTA is projected to be the fastest-growing region by far, accounting for almost two-thirds of
    Ontario’s population growth over the next 20 years. The GTA’s population is expected to increase by
    almost 38 %, or 2.3 million people, between 2009 and 2030. Its share of Ontario’s population will rise
    from 46.7 % in 2009 to 50.4 % by 2030.
    The population of Central Ontario is projected to reach 3.62 million by 2030, an increase of 27 % from
    2.85 million in 2009. In Eastern Ontario, growth of 19 % is projected over the same period, raising
    the region’s population from 1.70 million in 2009 to 2.03 million in 2030. Southwestern Ontario is
    projected to be home to 1.83 million people in 2030, a 14 % increase from 1.60 million in 2009.
    The population of Northern Ontario is projected to be relatively stable to 2030, increasing 0.8 %,
    from 807,100 in 2009 to 813,300. Population growth will vary within the North, with the Northeast
    projected to see measured growth and the Northwest continuing to experience slow population decline


    Secondly, growth in the tax base has been greater in the urban south, particularly in the GTA,
    while in the north and rural south it has been less than CPI growth. In some cases, particularly
    in the north, the tax base has shrunk.

    So the GTA is increasing in population and higher property taxes etc and is growing as a tax base ... sounds like it is even more skewed than the Fraser Report indicated and the GTA portion of the taxes supporting Ontario's infrastructure is higher now.

    Oh and I found the Oshawa GO/Metrolinx demographics ... seems 39% of the ridership makes less than $30,000 and Justin Trudeau and the Liberals just took a tax credit away from them costing them perhaps $500 to $650 a year. Screwing the poor and middle class and depriving the military ... the Liberal thing to do!
    Last edited by mosquito; March 24th, 2017 at 08:33 PM.

  2. # ADS

  3. #22
    Member for Life

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    You really do like shooting yourself in the foot don't you Mosquito. If you would pause and think about the things you google..Smart enough to know how to use the internet, but not take the time to figure things out by thinking for yourself.

    From your link
    Oshawa: Average household income $46,000, GTHA $97,000 ( why do you think that is) Did I point out to you the difference between the East side and West side? You know things like Pearson (paid for by everyone) the 401,403,409,410,427, 407,400, Go trains and Via trains, TTC, tax breaks and incentives for companies ( ALL paid for by everyone ) so theres more than just GM, theres all kinds of industry in Mississauga, Etobicoke, Oakville, Hamilton (lets not forget the wetland canal paid for by everyone), theres also tons of white collar work in the West to with corporate offices from Mississauga, throughout Oakville and Burlington. Jesus H Christ on chariot driven side car....Yeah you go Mosquito

    Lol, good god.....Oh and btw Mosquito. Thats Oshawa, where are those trickle effects and wealth sharing you went on about..."lmao".............Not! Jesus, seriously.......

    Now what about places further away than Oshawa...So tell us again how you do so much for everyone..average income 46,000.......And lastly do you understand the differences between means and averages?
    Think about it

    Nor does that mean everyone in Oshawa rides the Go Train. Thats just the average household income. Oshawa demographics. Just those who work in Toronto ride it, and who raise that average, ride the train. Many others drive on the 407 and 412 now (thanks to everyone and 300,000,000 billion debt) to their $100,000 jobs Lol you go you....while some few peons and surfs who can't find decent work ride the go bus to Tims, or Walmart, or Home Depot, or a-z where they work ( the small part go Go ridership in your link).

    And with respect to the Fraser.
    Obviously your incapable of reading, of comprehending the other story/article about their stats that completes the picture, and Wynnes admission.Google king you may be, with a wet paper bag on your head for a crown, a bag you obviously can't think your way out of, for yourself.

    As for the rest, no doubt there are people who can't afford it, never said there weren't.
    "Figure it out"

    And lastly with resect to the GTA, obviously you can't figure that out either. But heres one last clue Mosquito. If say the US rust belt vs the big apple New york wall street and more......didn't do it..Oh and by the way New York is where relative to Montreal? Makes you wonder why people in TO and the GTHA average 97,000 while Quebec is a "have not" province....:figure it out

    I have no doubt 30-40 years from now when the airport in Pickering is operational and companies have received tax credits to locate there ( that also cost everyone)...that average won't be 46k, and people like you that live on East side will be bragging about how much the GTHA contributes and how great they are.Forgetting everyone paid to widen the 401, build the 407 out to115, extend Go Train service to Newcastle and more (like more services, more public servants etc, etc that everyone pays for, lots and lots more)they like you, will think they are all that to.

    Back to Hydro "bright" (pardon the pun) guy.
    Your bent out of shape because well off people are losing a 15% tax credit...and can no longer sock an extra $5k into TFSAs ..Which when its all said and done means more money in govt coffers ( which if we could just get decent politicians means what exactly???) Oh yeah, a little more money for those have nots in "Oshawa" who helped pay for everything but cent find 2 nickels for a TFSA. not when household income is 46,000......Maybe that means a few extra GPs, or enticing some company to Leamington, or simply making sure a plant in Peterborough doesn't close like so many others..................But then again it's those very people earning 100,000 k, who keep electing......Gee I wonder why........

    But everyone else outside the GTA where the average isn't $97,000..where virtually nothing is subsidized, not remotely...and they subsidize your life in oh so many ways.....while getting "jack", in fact are taking it on the chin ( getting crushed by job losses, higher Hydro rates, higher delivery charges, feeding you the beast....., no Nat Gas, no Pensions, exploding taxation to ( while people like you that average 97k, have a little or a lot of job security or opportunity, largely and in part thanks to them, see the West side) and more paying to "subsidize" your life...and yeah no doubt residents of the Shwa that make around the mean will lose a wee bit to....But figure it out. In 30 years time like the west side of TO...........

    And your welcome.
    from everyone in Ontario.

    Like most in the GTHA obviously you don't think about full of yourself and the GTHA.
    And nice job utterly sabotaging yourself btw.
    Last edited by JBen; March 25th, 2017 at 08:12 AM.

  4. #23
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    And I will add for the last time. "its in my sig". No-one to blame but yourself.

  5. #24
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    Thought I might try a different approach and do note Mosquito I don't think your "unintelligent", but rather would be nice if you expended just a little more energy thinking things through, the whole picture ( like also the other reports from the Fraser Institute about disparities in wealth and investment. Because I know in ways you do "see it" given all your post about companies leaving Ontario and some other things.

    Have a look at the provincial budget, don't get tied down in nitty grittys. Note the food chain and some of the ministries that are at the top and those at the bottom.

    Do you think that for example Northern Ontario and rural Ontario.
    The MNR is an important ministry, not only for what it does but as an "industry" in the North? You know "jobs". And what has the province done, other than funnel more and more towards.........

    Forestry ( lol they have been utterly raped over the last 20-30 years while building up the West side)

    The MoE?

    and more

    Your "bent out of shape" because JT is pulling funding from the Armed Forces? Ok
    You think thats going to hurt
    Think the military like the MNR and even agriculture is you know important to "everyone else".
    The plants in places like Leamington, PTBO, MINDEN, Goodrich and so much more. And the province, aka us, aka the GTA thats has much and owes so much to.......

    PS a lot of my friends in Whitby who commute into the big stink and those high paying jobs they really owe to everyone

    Bellyaching because the 412 ( linking the 401 to the 407) isn't free like the 427, 403 are. all paid for by everyone, so that there is economic growth. Jobs, lots of them. High paying jobs, and million dollar houses to. And also likely bellyaching over the transit tax credit......while counting the days until they sell their million dollar bungalow......
    Courtesy of [/u]everyone[u]

    Kingston Pen? think thats important to kingston?
    and on
    and on
    and on
    and on
    and on
    and on
    and on
    and on
    and on
    and on

    /looks towards the beast.
    Where soooooooooooo much.....has been spent "subsidizing" your life. Hydro is just the beginning..
    PS highly doubt things like corporate tax breaks and more factor in to just the one FI report...Theres more to it.

    yeah, sure the wealth is spread around. Proof is in the pudding.
    Last edited by JBen; March 25th, 2017 at 10:45 AM.

  6. #25
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Well I guess this fits back in this tread, so I'm not really done with it I guess. Well the millionaire idiot "eau"'s are still at it, still taking from students, kids, transit riders etc... even attempting to steal from small businesses and clerks (had to back out of the tax small businesses and on employee discounts etc.) but still more gouging and robbing... everyone except themselves of course... they are dedicated to taking the max from everyone ... sadly anymore it seems if a gov't came in and gave everyone a 10% break there are alot that would instead of being happy be completely miserable that their 10% wasn't as bit as someone else's 10%...narcissism, greed and pride, "me myself and I ...maybe someone else tomorrow" crowd gets worse by the day.... but back on the budget and the spending machine is at full steam.

    Budget? What Budget? Ottawa’s new spending add-ons just won’t stop
    William Watson: Since March, the Liberals have added new spending every 3.7 days — adding up to $1.833 billion more spending this year
    But somehow that and the other 42 changes all add up to $1.833 billion this budget year, growing to $2.299 billion in 2022–23.
    Last edited by mosquito; October 31st, 2017 at 09:58 PM.

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