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Thread: Cleaned out Blue Bird Nesting boxes

  1. #1
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    Default Cleaned out Blue Bird Nesting boxes

    For some reason, I didn't clean out the Bluebird nesting boxes the fall. A nice day today so I went out and started to clean them out. The first box had 2 deer mice in it and them jumped out as I pulled out all of the old nest material. I moved onto the rest and the next 5 had from 1 to 2 Deer mice in them! MY old Lab Maggie was busy chasing them around the grass! Out of 14 nesting boxes, 7 of them had mice. This is the first year I didn't clean them out in the fall. In the past, I might have 1 or 2 with a mouse nest in them, but not this many.

    Nature can be interesting!

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMatthews View Post
    For some reason, I didn't clean out the Bluebird nesting boxes the fall. A nice day today so I went out and started to clean them out. The first box had 2 deer mice in it and them jumped out as I pulled out all of the old nest material. I moved onto the rest and the next 5 had from 1 to 2 Deer mice in them! MY old Lab Maggie was busy chasing them around the grass! Out of 14 nesting boxes, 7 of them had mice. This is the first year I didn't clean them out in the fall. In the past, I might have 1 or 2 with a mouse nest in them, but not this many.

    Nature can be interesting!
    I read an Article recently that this year is supposed to be bad for mice, and the article also discussed how a group of scientists have found that when there's an influx in mice there's an influx in ticks. I can't remember where I read it or I'd post a link..

    Not looking forward to having to check my dog and daughters thoroughly after every trip this year!! But better to be safe than sorry..
    My name is BOWJ..... and I am a waterfowl addict!

  4. #3
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    Does that ever bring back a memory
    . I was about 8 out hunting with Dad. I found a dead mouse , and hid it in my coat as I knew Dad would be mad with me bringing home a dead mouse. Sure enough, the heat brought the mouse back to life. I was freaking out and jumping up and down on the seat. Dad pulled over the car. No he wasn't mad ; he was laughing his head off. Took it home and kept it for quite a while. Didn't even think about ticks back then.
    " We are more than our gender, skin color, class, sexuality or age; we are unlimited potential, and can not be defined by one label." quote A. Bartlett

  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharon View Post
    Does that ever bring back a memory
    . I was about 8 out hunting with Dad. I found a dead mouse , and hid it in my coat as I knew Dad would be mad with me bringing home a dead mouse. Sure enough, the heat brought the mouse back to life. I was freaking out and jumping up and down on the seat. Dad pulled over the car. No he wasn't mad ; he was laughing his head off. Took it home and kept it for quite a while. Didn't even think about ticks back then.
    I was cutting down some dead trees in our woodlot years ago and a mouse jumped off of the tree and ran up my arm into my coveralls. I could feel it scratching around my back so I just fell down onto my back to end that.

  6. #5
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    I build my Blue Bird houses 8 of them, with a swing out front which I swing open in late Sept. and clean them out, I have no problems with mice or any other unwanted birds [barn sparrows] or other creatures.

  7. #6
    Has too much time on their hands

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    I helped with blue bird box cleaning early this month with Long Point Basin Land Trust. We cleaned about a dozen boxes on a LPBT property. One had mice, several had been taken over by house wrens.
    It was an interesting job, seek g what the birds had used for construction materials. One had even woven a piece of plastic wrap through the nest.
    Girl Gone Wild

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