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Thread: Hydro One pulling plug on 36000 rural smart meters

  1. #11
    Borderline Spammer

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    Quote Originally Posted by FishinScuba View Post
    I have a smart meter on my house and called hydro last year to ask a question about time of day billing , as it turned out I am not on a time of day billing system , but instead a 2 tier billing system. I have so many kWh at one rate and then once I use all of those up I go to the higher rate. Hopefully they get rid of my smart meter.
    That is my plan also. I was used to waiting until after 7pm for washing/drying, then noticed my bill didn't break down the TOU amounts. I called in a found the same - use up to ~1000kWh(IIRC) at one rate, then it goes up after that.

    Overall I would have saved money over the months if my meter had been reporting TOU, but I guess now I can use electricity at all times of day for the same price.

    Oh well, at least someone reads my meter 4 times a year now. Zero meter readings in 2015.
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  2. # ADS

  3. #12

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    I have complained for years about my non functioning meter. Argued with them until they agreed to send someone quarterly to read the damn thing.

  4. #13

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    They should get rid of them all not just one area.

  5. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by gunter View Post
    They should get rid of them all not just one area.
    They should also get rid of some of their "over paid " C E O's.

    The CEO of Distribution , is seeking a raise of $118 thousand to $135 thousand, but to top it all of and this is unbelievable, the CAO of the overall Hydro Networks , is being paid a phenomenal $4 million dollars per year, up from $750 thousand , yes that's right a whopping $4 million.
    That is an absolute absurd amount, when I hear that it 't enough to make anyone puke, no wonder our rates are high, just think how much they would drop if he went back to making $750 thousand per year.
    When our premier [yuke ] was asked about this on a TV interview, her response was "same old questions will be answered by the same old answers, that's the way it is set up and that's the way it is ".
    This situation is is deplorable. these people should be "tarred and feathered and ridden out on a rail right out of this province."

  6. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by mooboy76 View Post
    That is my plan also. I was used to waiting until after 7pm for washing/drying, then noticed my bill didn't break down the TOU amounts. I called in a found the same - use up to ~1000kWh(IIRC) at one rate, then it goes up after that.

    Overall I would have saved money over the months if my meter had been reporting TOU, but I guess now I can use electricity at all times of day for the same price.

    Oh well, at least someone reads my meter 4 times a year now. Zero meter readings in 2015.
    It used to be that the first few hundred kWh were one price, then the price for the rest was lower....

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