January 23rd, 2017, 06:42 AM
Has too much time on their hands
This is why people need to understand the Libertarian Party and it's policies about tax reductions and flat taxation. We don't want the power, we want to reduce government influence in areas of personal and business transactions. The idea is to reduce government everywhere in Ontario. The last 13-14 years of this has shown that drunken spending can easily be cured by over taxation. One just has to look a the current electoral map of Ontario and see how the current liberals has less than 10% of province in size, but control the province with a majority. In all those liberal spots, hydro is subsidised at 2/3 cheaper than rural Ontario. The sad and undemocratic point is EVERY SINGLE RURAL vote is mute, not valid, not applicable and will have no effect on the elections results. This has been set up this way over the last 8 yrs and the liberals are virtually assured of another majority in 2019...if people do not wake up.
The only reason why she cares right now is the Global News coverage at Christmas, and Hydro One - enough is enough Facebook page. These two factors have proven the facts that rural rates are higher as people have posted bills online to show this. The governments reaction was order H1 to reconnect 1400 people of 60,000 people disconnected this year and living without hydro. The media storm exposed the 60,000 without hydro. It has gone from the news now..but everyone who had the hydro reconnected also had limiters imposed on home. This limiter only allows 30AMPs per day, if you exceed you are done for the day. No dryer, no stove, no electric heat. 90% of those 60,000 people are rural rate payer (votes don't count)
How is it that this is allowed to occur with rape and pillage of the most vulnerable.
Mark Snow, Leader Of The, Ontario Libertarian Party
January 23rd, 2017 06:42 AM
January 23rd, 2017, 07:02 AM
Nice post Line0.
I may join the Libertarian party. A lot of people have me wrong, think I hate Public Service/Servants, have "pension envy", or grass is greener syndrome ( They are overpaid, my gawd they make so much money, etc). And lately don't understand my "disdain" for those who live in the GTA. For years, long before the problems became so obvious and in your face, I argued in threads how "McGuinty figured it out" after losing to Harris twice. Argued the disportioncate impact Unions and their members have on elections, etc, etc, etc...Argued how the seat concentration in the GTA...What it all really boils down to, is that those with the "most" are breaking the backs of those with the least. The "peons" are working hard so others don't have to......
Recently in a different (but related thread), I pointed out and quoted (from text books) how the combined impacts of. Stagnant wages AND growing (or high taxation) are eroding the middle class.
Liberals and Socialist will blame the right for stagnant wages/income, economic growth, pandering to corporate america. Conservatives and the far right will blame big brother and bleeding hearts for the ever growing dependancy on debt and taxation.
The trends are clear since around the 60s.
The rich are still the rich
The poor are still the poor
The middle class is disappearing............
Of late its the left side of the political spectrum getting blasted because thats who has been in power for the last 13 years and have really trashed this province.
First by spending like mad, hiring tons and tons and tons of public servants and for some, heaping lots of money on them via raises and other. Frankly, yes it is a little absurd that a single servant grosses what the mean duo income is.....before rich benefits...and in many cases grosses far more than that (70k). Yet these people who have sooooo much, relative to the mean and average person..(By far, the biggest bulk of the population).........Its about "affordability" do everything they can to ensure thy remained in power....
LEt's not forget there are reasons why they had to bring in Don Drummond......
Ignoring oh so much economically ( aka during and after the recession, they could always find $ for the City and Unions) but small town Ontario crushed by job losses....No one, not the teachers, not the OPP, Not the Unions, not the GTA
Or could be bothered to look around when they all escaped to the country on weekends.
Last edited by JBen; January 23rd, 2017 at 07:22 AM.
January 23rd, 2017, 07:43 AM
When a party kills manufacturing as the liberals have, it guts and hollows out the middle class because that is who does the manufacturing and a service economy forms. Then cue Trump/NAFTA potential.
To show how inept and dangerous the liberals are, Ray Charles or a high school economics or history student would see/know the above.
Then tack on like green energy, carbon tax and irresponsible spending at the Federal and Provincial level and you get what we have.
January 23rd, 2017, 11:38 AM
Promoting the Libertarian party could be the way to take the wind out of the sails of the Liberal party.
September 17th, 2017, 05:08 PM
Has too much time on their hands
Well... SO FAR THIS YEAR the carbon tax has TAKEN $1,501,908,017 out of company and people's pockets with the Ontario carbon tax.
the cost per average Ontario household this year is an estimated $357 ($2 billion divided by 5,598,391 households).
That’s $201 more, or 129% higher, than the government estimate of $156 per household in 2017.
September 18th, 2017, 07:21 AM
Spent more then the estimated amount in January of this year pure bs just like his budget
September 18th, 2017, 12:57 PM
I'd really like to have the following question answered:
Please confirm in what way(s) the carbon tax has improved the environment or helped fight climate change.
September 18th, 2017, 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by
I'd really like to have the following question answered:
Please confirm in what way(s) the carbon tax has improved the environment or helped fight climate change.
Too funny.
I’m suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog who doesn't like a person.