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Thread: Fed Issue #27 - Justin Trudeau shows contempt for English speakers in Quebec (immig. includ)

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    Has too much time on their hands

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    Angry Fed Issue #27 - Justin Trudeau shows contempt for English speakers in Quebec (immig. includ)

    Remember Justin bragging and being a horses a** and saying Quebecers are better, Canada belongs to Quebec and only the good PMs come from Quebec ...

    Well here is the new show of arrogance on his skip Davos so I don't looks stupid coffee tour:
    1) Justin Trudeau shows complete contempt for English speakers in Quebec, including 2 immigrants who were having a hard time and didn't speak English,
    2) his sucks to be you to the poor woman who can't afford electricity,
    3) telling how he understands immigrants because his grandfather came from Scotland
    4) phasing out Oil sands. (so they can buy their oil from Saudi Arabia???) He really hates the west like his Dad it seems.
    5) Selfie trap... a question about UN declaration of aboriginal peoples bills and also Canada's aboriginal groups having a veto on natural resources ... "absolutely"

    I think theRebel is worth it to hear what CBC would NEVER tell you.

    or just since I liked it an old one of Rex Murphy on Justin including China..

    Brian Lilley was talking about how Quebec isn't providing mental health care in English and how two new immigrants that couldn't speak French had their questions answered in French by Justin Trudope! I will post the link I was on but it should be in the history tomorrow.

    here is the video of Brian Lilley
    Last edited by mosquito; January 19th, 2017 at 10:10 AM.

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