January 5th, 2017, 09:45 AM
Has too much time on their hands
Fed Issue #25 - Potential financial ruin of Canada,quiet report,wouldn't want to disclose reality!
Buried government report reveals looming fiscal crisis
A shocking new report quietly released by the federal government admits that their finances could collapse in the coming decades if politicians don’t make responsible choices.
Two days before Christmas, when most politicians and their staffers had long left their offices for the holiday break, the finance department released — without fanfare or wide notice — a surprising update on long-term economic and fiscal projections.
The report warns that lower than expected growth combined with higher program spending “would be sufficient to put at risk the fiscal sustainability of the federal government.”
", a combination of lower-than-expected productivity growth (following the growth trend of the last decade) and higher-than-expected program spending growth (equal to a quarter of a percentage point more per year) would be sufficient to put at risk the fiscal sustainability of the federal government."
"don’t make responsible choices." ..... we have Liberals in Ottawa and Toronto and NDP in Alberta .....throw in Trump in the US ...... we are so doomed.... doom Doom DOOOOOM!!!!!
As good a place as any for this CBC propaganda piece.
Stakes high for Trudeau as world's last major progressive leader standing: Aaron Wherry
After Brexit and Trump triumphs, prime minister knows delivering on the economy is crucial
"When progress stalls, fear moves forward," Trudeau said in Montreal
"We have a real problem," he said. "The middle class is in trouble. People haven't had a real raise in 30 years, while inequality has increased and household debt has exploded.
Frances Woolley, an economist at Carleton University, adds an important consideration: if budget deficits aren't controlled, the long-term sustainability of any new program or benefit could be endangered.
Playing off the fear mongering and a few facts ..... but has anyone at the tax department ever done a report over say a 10 year period that says the same XX% of middle class stays the same people?
My FEAR is that Justin and the Liberals will get re-elected!!!! That would lead to the mess projected in the financial report!
Last edited by mosquito; January 5th, 2017 at 10:04 AM.
January 5th, 2017 09:45 AM
January 5th, 2017, 10:05 AM
I think protectionist US policies of the Trump Administration may be the death knell of the Canadian economy because every one of our major manufacturing facilities of the biggest players are American or Japanese owned. Trudeau et al,because of their fumd duck idealogy and complete ineptitude,will do little more than navel gaze,clench their fists and stomp their little feetsies. I think it'll happen a lot sooner than we think,too.
January 5th, 2017, 11:09 AM
And one of the supposed money generating Provinces(Ontario) is on a path to financial ruin and has been for 10 years.
A 300 billion deficit and 9% interest on that is 50% of the amount spent on education and more than a fifth of what is spent on healthcare.
Big trouble looming for babyboomers and others, however we'll sell another "Hydro One" and make it "appear" that it is possible to begin balancing the books.
Trudeau took 9 vacations last year. How much work did he do or get paid for, being absent from Parliament a reported 63% of the time.
20% revenue from oil and 7% from real estate, gee no possible problem there eh?
January 5th, 2017, 12:59 PM
Sunny ways. Sunny ways. Stop worrying the budgets will balance themselves remember?
I’m suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog who doesn't like a person.
January 6th, 2017, 02:56 PM
Has too much time on their hands
Liberals agree shocking fiscal scenario “could occur”
The Sun revealed the shocking details of a finance department report released quietly two days before Christmas that indicated Canada may not return to a balanced budget until 2055 and that the debt is on track to hit $1 trillion within 15 years.
As part of the 2015 election campaign, Liberal leader Justin Trudeau promised to balance the budget by 2019. Yet during the November 2016 fiscal update, Bill Morneau announced this would not happen until after 2021. This report now casts further concern on just when the government will return to surplus
Lies, Lies and Liebral LIES!!!!
January 6th, 2017, 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by
Liberals agree shocking fiscal scenario “could occur”
The Sun revealed the shocking details of a finance department report released quietly two days before Christmas that indicated Canada may not return to a balanced budget until 2055 and that the debt is on track to hit $1 trillion within 15 years.
As part of the 2015 election campaign, Liberal leader Justin Trudeau promised to balance the budget by 2019. Yet during the November 2016 fiscal update, Bill Morneau announced this would not happen until after 2021. This report now casts further concern on just when the government will return to surplus
Lies, Lies and Liebral LIES!!!!
Knowing how to lie requires a very high level of intelligence and I don't think the Liberals are smart enough.. Ineptitude,arrogance and stupidity comes to mind,though.
January 23rd, 2017, 01:44 PM
Has too much time on their hands
Justin Trudeau’s economic strategy crumbles in just 15 months, a victim of reality[/URL]
By 2045, Canada's national debt is projected to grow to an alarming $1.5 trillion, saddling our children and grandchildren with a crushing annual interest bill of $82 billion
So what do you think of our economic chances with the two TRs???? (Trump vs Trudeau)
January 23rd, 2017, 03:39 PM
IIRC, the trade numbers are around 500-600 billion/year with a deficit on trade on the US end from about 15B-30B/yr to the CDN good
The US imports oil, gold, food, automobiles from CDN to name a few and exports to Canada machinery, auto parts, plastics, and finished oil products.
Direct US foreign investment in Canada is about 380B/yr and from Canada to US about 260B/yr or 120B/yr
I expect the topics will be auto related, oil related and to address the present and historic trade deficit and the NATO deficit.
June 18th, 2017, 02:02 PM
Has too much time on their hands
.... potential ... change that to forthcoming!
Justin Trudeau refuses to set date for balancing the budget
3 years of "tiny" deficits .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RP_llgYy6o
Now have turned into, I'm paraphrasing and translating .... "we are spending your money, your kids and your grandkids and you are all f*****"
June 18th, 2017, 03:43 PM
Another concern is how do you sell oil that the NDP kooks in BC will block(Trans Mountain) from Notley and her NDP kooks in Alberta?
This is going to be hilarious between the two provinces and their business killing, eco-war mentality.
Will Justeen ride in on his white horse (with red accents)and save the day to get oil to the Vancouver ports for China? Will he then pivot (actually a "roll back" for you horse people)to pierce the housing bubble in VanC and Tarrana?