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Thread: Gas Prices

  1. #1

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    Default Gas Prices

    Anyone else notice them creeping up from the low 90's to $1.02 in port to $108 in the city any reason for this.
    Wait till the new new year when the carbon tax goes on

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Member for Life

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    I noticed it too... Looks like they are just preparing us for that 4.5 cents a litre carbon tax being put on our gasoline come Jan 1st.....

    How does putting 4.5 cents a litre tax on our gasoline help lower pollution....

    If the government really wants to lower pollution they need to ban products made in countries that make most of the pollution. Without these countries getting on-board, we are just spinning our wheels...

    I heard on the news the other day that in some places they only had a metre of visibility.... These countries do all the damage and our government taxes us? They are the crooks.
    "Everything is easy when you know how"
    "Meat is not grown in stores"

  4. #3
    Has all the answers

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    Yes and I don't like it.

    They really wanted to save the planet they would reduce the population.

    Ontario has reduced our Polution more when the economy crashed then any of these other ideas.

  5. #4

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    [QUOTE=fratri;1007986]I noticed it too... Looks like they are just preparing us for that 4.5 cents a litre carbon tax being put on our gasoline come Jan 1st.....

    How does putting 4.5 cents a litre tax on our gasoline help lower pollution....

    If the government really wants to lower pollution they need to ban products made in countries that make most of the pollution. Without these countries getting on-board, we are just spinning our wheels...

    I heard on the news the other day that in some places they only had a metre of visibility.... These countries do all the damage and our government taxes us? They are the crooks.[/QUOTE

    74 Chinese cities monitored by the central government 71 failed to meet air quality standards

    They blantantly refuse to meet industry standards on everything else, so why should they care about this?

    Crooks isn't the word.

    Bunch of lying, cheating criminals.
    I say ban all their garbage goods!
    Last edited by Noseyarentcha; December 23rd, 2016 at 11:11 PM.
    My attitude towards you depends upon how you have treated me.

  6. #5
    Member for Life

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    Price per barrel is $53.67 on the markets and is expected to keep rising now that OPEC is over it's hissy fit.

  7. #6
    Has too much time on their hands

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    I filled up in the U.S yesterday at $2.19 gallon. More Canadians will be going over in the new year. This current Liberal Government will be bringing our economy and taxpayers to our knee's.

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