Ontario OUT OF DOORS assistant editor Steve Galea sat down with three players from the Toronto Argonauts to chat with them about their outdoor interests. This is Part 2 of a three-part series. Read Part 1 and Part 3.
Swayze Waters, a celebrated Toronto Argonauts placekicker and 26-year-old native of Jackson, Mississippi has been around hunting and fishing “forever.”
He’s hunted deer since junior high and has chased largemouth bass for even longer.
Soft-spoken and eloquent, Waters said, “I love deer hunting because you can just go out there and get away from the world and watch all of God’s creations. These days, the fun for me is about the other people, the family and friends at deer camp — the camp camaraderie is great.”
Still, he’s no stranger to nice bucks, recently taking 9- and 8-pointers.
He’s an experienced rifleman and shotgunner, but he’s also excited about bowhunting and bird hunting with dogs.
“My father-in-law has six bird dogs and we hunt quail and woodcock together when we can,” he said. “I haven’t hunted ruffed grouse in Ontario yet but look forward to it.”
He tried his newly acquired fly-fishing skills on the Credit River before practices last season and a few days after our interview emailed me photos of a nice catch of speckled trout, from somewhere off the Gulf Coast. The smile on his face said it all.
First published in the August issue of Ontario OUT OF DOORS.
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